Monday, March 7, 2011

And So It Ends and Begins.....

So tonight is my last night as a mother of one, household of three, and not being totally outnumbered by males. Our lovely son, Jude, will be joining us outside the womb tomorrow. I have been doing ok medically, but things where slowly getting more risky. My "numbers" where slowly increasing and we've held off as long as my doctor felt comfortable. Compared to giving birth the first time at 33wks, I feel very happy we are now a little over 38. Every week past 33 was nerve wracking for me. Was this going to be the week? Is Jude doing ok in there? Is my placenta going to abrupt any day now? While many of these fears consumed my thoughts I had to remain positive. I had to keep in mind that every week we hung in there the better for Jude. I also had to realize that we learned a whole lot with Aaron and where taking every precaution we could to ensure this pregnancy would remain healthy.

Honestly, this has been one hard road to travel down. So much of my life has changed since I peed on that stick and had no one around to tell but Aaron! My new "job" as mother and wife is very exciting to me. It has taken literally months to accept the fact that I will not be returning to the shelter and feel comfortable with that decision. There are days that I miss it and then there are days that I am so happy to be home with Aaron and getting ready for Jude. Part of me can't believe that tomorrow will be the end of the "house arrest" and the beginning of my new "normal" I've so desperately been wanting.

I am so very grateful to my family and friends. So many people have done so much for us. Even when I just lay around feeling like a miserable sack of pregnancy, no one made me feel bad or guilty even if that's how I felt inside. Having so much help has truly been amazing and even though times I felt like I had no control I was still appreciative. It's hard to give up control of your home and your child because you are physically unable to do things. But I admire the patience and understanding everyone had and most of all the encouragement. There where times when I emotionally lost it, but had so many people tell me it was going to be ok and this wouldn't last forever! Which was good. I did not need people to feel sorry for me (God knows I throw the best pity party for myself) but to keep me motivated and keep me focused on the big picture. This may seem like an emotional, personal blog but that's what I want to get across. As anyone who has kept up with this blog knows the ups and downs I have had during this pregnancy. But writing this blog has helped me cope with being on restriction since early September (has it been that long??).

I also want to take moment and give my husband proper credit. What I have put this poor man through. He has basically worked his butt off to support us including working at home and overtime, still making it to ALL but 3 appointments which is incredible since I've been going every week or two since I found out I was pregnant, cleaning the house, making meals, taking care of Aaron, taking care of me, as well as anything else that popped up and really did it all with a smile. I know for a fact that at times he probably wanted to throw me out the window but restrained himself. He has truly been an amazing husband and father even at times when I probably seemed less than grateful. His family and my family have been soo supportive. I also feel like during this pregnancy I've become a lot closer with members of our family. I've really enjoyed the quality time and all the love and support they have given us. But I am sure they are just as ready for Jude to come into this world just like us!

As this journey ends and a new one begins, I am overcome with different feelings and emotions. Yes, I know I'm a hormonal pregnant lady but this is my last night to be that way! I am very excited and of course, I am nervous for surgery. This is my second c section and that helps a little but surgery is surgery. I know it will be fine and am doing my best to calm my nerves and ease my anxieties. Adam and I have decided this will be our last child. Mostly due to the fact I really don't think my body wants me to do this again! So the idea of moving on past the "having children" part of our lives and focusing on raising our family is something we are anxious to get started.

For everyone who has stood by me during this time and have given me words of encouragement I am truly grateful. It really has helped. If it weren't for facebook and this blog I would feel so disconnected and this has kept the social part of me active. I've also gotten lots of advice, engaged in some great discussion, and learned a lot. I will be keeping this blog for a bit to keep everyone updated on the arrival of Jude and may need to share a few stories here and there. There will be no recipe today, especially since I haven't really cooked much, but I'll get back to it soon enough. I will end this blog here before I start getting to sentimental and procrastinate even more on things for tomorrow. I think I have my check list all done. I do need to feast on some food as they said I couldn't eat anything past 6am. That is going to be tough..... I fully plan on eating an entire box of oreo cookies before I go to bed. Don't judge me.

Till next time.......

1 comment:

  1. You are so loved Alex. I am proud to call you my daughter !! And my Adam, well, he is everything I dreamed he would be the day he was born. Tomorrow Aaron will be a big just get's better every day !!!!!! Love Mom B.
