Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jude is Here! New life begins and here is the Story!

Well, it's been 15 days since I gave birth to Jude Eric Dahlstrom. What an eventful two weeks! We are finally settling in and getting used to our new routine. Aaron is an awesome big brother even if he gets a bit jealous now and then. I think he really is excited to have a baby brother.

Jude Eric Dahlstrom 

With all the challenges with this pregnancy I was hoping and praying for a "normal" delivery. Aaron's delivery was anything but, and I was terrified of having to go through that again. I just didn't know if I could spend that much time in a hospital again and I did not want Jude to spend weeks in the NICU. When I reached 35wks and it was clear I would deliver at Lakeland near my home I cried with joy. Each week after was even better. Finally at 38wks it became clear it was time to have Jude. My blood levels, blood pressure, and protein where slowing increasing and I was starting to show signs of preeclampsia which we had been looking for all along. Instead of waiting for it to get worse, my OB decided to go ahead and get Jude out so that we both would be safe.

I was originally due on March 22nd and had a c section scheduled for March 15th. Jude Eric Dahlstrom was delivered via c section on March 8th at 3:55pm. He was a healthy 7lbs 2oz and 18.5inches long. Instead of rushing him to the NICU, he was cleaned, Adam got to cut the cord this time, and the nurse placed Jude on my chest so we could look at each other for the first time. It was like we where old friends meeting again. After awhile they took him back to our room with Adam so I could be finished getting put back together and go into recovery. The whole operation took a little over an hour and I felt pretty good. Much better than the first time when I was in excruciating pain and couldn't see Aaron for almost 8hrs after I gave birth. In recovery my blood pressure began to rise. I tried to explain this happens everytime I have a surgery and am in recovery. Happened with my wisdom teeth, gallbladder, and with Aaron. I assured them it would go down and it would help if they took me to my room so I could be with my new baby and my husband. Well, they had to err on the side of caution and continued to pump me full of blood pressure meds. Didn't really work. At this point I was becoming increasingly irritated and anxious to get to Jude. This wouldn't help my blood pressure though as they told me to relax and I just wanted to get out of there. My good friend, Chrissy, who works at the hospital came by my bed. She began to talk to me and really put me at ease. Low and behold shortly after her arrival my blood pressure began to decline. This is the proof I needed and finally got to go back to my room to see Adam and Jude. Our whole family was waiting to see us and they knew Jude and Adam where back but not me. Adam kept everyone out of the room until I came back and got a chance to hold Jude and try to nurse him before all the visitors. After about an hour it was time for family to visit. My room was packed! Everyone was there and so excited to meet the new arrival. Unfortunately, Aaron and Grandma D weren't there as it was getting late and Aaron was in cranky mode and we felt it was best if he came the next day after he was well rested.

We stayed in the hospital for two days and then went home. Jude was to go back in the next morning for a procedure and to check his bilirubins. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let him come back home. Back to the hospital we went. He had lost 14% of his body weight and his jaundice was getting worse. We spent the rest of the day with Jude in light therapy and me nursing him constantly. By the next day he had already gained back 4oz and was doing well. So off we went back home. 

Jude is now thriving very well and is getting bigger everyday. We recently had newborn pics of him taken and so far, what I have seen has been amazing. Besides a few set backs and a quick trip to the ER (nothing more than nasal congestion but to me his breathing sounded scary) we are doing well. Jude is eating often and because of his initial weight loss, I put myself into "have to feed the baby" mode and am now producing enough milk for several Judes. My doctor has taken restrictions off of me and I am fully in Mommy Mode.

I have started my new "job" as Stay At Home Wife and Mom and to be honest, I love it. I never thought I would but to be with my boys everyday, take care of my house and family, and not have the stress of returning to work has been amazing. Adam tells me everyday how happy he is that I am home with the boys. We are establishing a routine and so far so good. I don't know how long I will stay at home and frankly that's fine with me. I refuse to put a timeline on this because all that will do is stress me out on how much time I have left to be at home. I tend to be a very anxious person and to focus on the present is much better for us. 

I am looking forward to walks with the boys, summer activities, and visits with family and friends. I never thought of myself as a person who would be this "domestic". I've always prided myself on being independent, hard working, and determined to succeed. It never occurred to me I could still be those things and be a mom and a wife too. I never thought in a million years I would ever not have a "job" or a typical 9 to 5er. I never saw myself as a woman who would be fulfilled staying home and tending to things like cooking, gardening, coupon clipping, and raising kids. Surprised the hell out of me that I would embrace this and actually enjoy it. I know there will be challenges and financially be more difficult and that is fine because you should always be challenged. Maybe I was under the impression that SAHM where shallow house wives or boring or not as respected as a woman who works. I'm so sorry if that is offensive but that is how I think I felt. I have begun to realize how wrong that stereotype is and that there is no shame at wanting to stay at home and be with your kids. I'll admit that I've always portrayed myself as the "I am a woman and can do anything I want and just as good as any man". I never could picture myself in a more "submissive" role. I always thought that was so 1950's.  Just as there is no shame as wanting to work outside the home to help provide for your family. I think both are fine and it is up to each individual family to decide what's best for them.

Well, I just wanted to get some thoughts down but I hear a ruckus from the next room which means Aaron is up from his nap and causing a small amount of destruction. Til next time!!

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