Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Preterm Labor, False Labor, or Panic Labor?

I am writing this post today because I am probably not the only pregnant lady to freak out over "weird" feelings. I had been having a lot of pressure in my pelvis and contractions for a couple of days. I know all about Braxton Hicks and round ligament pains but this seemed worse. Could I be going into preterm labor? What does that feel like? I of course went online like an idiot and all that did was set off the panic button. Remember, I had an emergency c-section with Aaron and have no idea what labor feel like. How am I suppose to tell the difference between false labor and real labor? Throw in my already existing complications and my tendency to be a mild hypochondriac and you get one anxiety ridden person!

So this morning I called my mom to come over asap. Adam had forgotten his phone for the first time ever and I had already left a message for my OB. I couldn't get a hold of Adam so I called his supervisor, which I've never done before and told her to tell him to call me asap. As soon as he got home we rushed to the my OB, who had told me to come in right away. After my examine, all checked out fine. Cervix closed, baby still pretty high and active, and basically false labor. Or as I call it panic labor. How do you tell the difference moms? It's most likely I will never go into real labor as I have a scheduled c-section now. Since you always hear that each pregnancy is different I am trying to go with that. This baby has been soo different than Aaron and sometimes I feel like this is my first one!

The Jude Baby Plan is moving forward as planned and I am sure I will freak out more than once. But better safe than sorry right?

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