Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beef Stew and Hermits

After I wrote my blog today I had realized that I had not done what I had wanted to do. I haven't even explained the title of my blog " A Bun in the Oven". For those of you that know me (all 3 of you!)know I LOVE to cook. This blog was going to be an update on my pregnancy as well as some of my own recipes I want to share. Now I have more time than ever to express my culinary aspirations and amongst all the baby talk I'll also include my successes and failures in the cooking world. I thought just reading a recipe isn't all that exciting so I am also going to include a funny or interesting childhood memory to spice it up (pun intended). These two things may or may not have any connection.

Apparently I will write several blogs in one day then go several days without writing anything. I don't know the blog etiquette or rules but who cares. This is my blog. Also I think it's nice that if you are reading along and thinking this is boring you can just click off the page. No one will ever know. Unlike while engaged in a conversation you cannot just "click off" the person. Just a disclaimer that I may head in another direction or write about things that aren't relevant but just what I happen to be thinking about.

Ok so first I will tell the story I thought of today. First of all if you know my family you won't think anything of it. However, if you don't you may think we are a bit strange but really what family isn't. My family is loud, opinionated, strong willed, determined, competitive, and stubborn but we are also caring, considerate, and understanding. Growing up in my house with my dad, his significant other, my sister, and my brother you held your own. Before we moved in with my dad we used to visit him on the weekends like a lot of divorced families. At the time we lived in Racine and he lived in Buena Park in Waterford. My dad did many things to keep us entertained. One of his favorite things was telling us stories of the "Hermit People". Now why lots of parents are reading Dr. Seuss to their kids, my dad was telling tales of the "Hermit People of Buena Park". And me and my siblings took his word as the truth. How gullible we where. The "Hermit People" where a group of people that lived in abandoned houses. My dad said they where known to kidnap children, steal family pets, and basically where crazy inbred lunatics. I believe at this time I was about 6, my brother 4, and my sister 8. Yes, a disturbing tale to tell young children but there you have it.

One winter day we all went for a walk around Buena Park. We did this most weekends. As we approached the "Hermit House" my dad began to tell us a story. This particular house was at the end of a long driveway that clearly hadn't been driven down in some time. The house was dilapidated and mostly boarded up. It looked especially depressing on a winter day snow and ice covering most of the property. My dad began to tell us of the old Hermit witch who lived there. He said children would go up to the house and throw rocks and call her names. She would then kidnap the children and turn them into ducks and geese and they would live forever on her property on the small pond beside the house. We hung on to every word as we slowly approached the end of the driveway that looked down at the house. My dad said, "Shhh be quiet". Just then we heard a bunch of geese honking and my dad said they where calling for help. Scary right! Here is the best part. Just as we walked past my dad pushed my sister down the icy driveway and ran away! My sister's eyes where huge as she struggled to get her footing to run. I stood there looking at my sister and couldn't believe my dad was running away and laughing. I reached out and pulled my sister up and we ran away after him! Now you might be thinking how horrible! But this was just one of many things my family did and there was no shortage of laughing at each other's expense.

My Recipe for the Blog.
This past Sunday I made beef stew from scratch for the first time. I have to say it turned out pretty awesome so I wanted to share the recipe.


2 lbs of beef stew meat or cubed roast
3-4 Carrots sliced
3 Baking Potatoes cubed
2 Parsnips sliced
2 Celery Stalks chopped
1 Large Onion chopped
1 Package of Mushrooms sliced
3 cups of Beef Stock
2 or so cups of flour
2 Tsp of mixed dried herbs (example: thyme, basil, oregano, parsley, marjoram, or savory)
4 Garlic Cloves chopped finely
2 Tbls of Butter

-First you will want to trim your meat of any excess fat.
-Take 1 tsp of dried herbs and sprinkle on the meat.
-Dredge the meat in the flour and put into dutch oven over medium heat with the onion mixture.
-Do not crowd the meat and continue to add the meat in batches.
-Increase heat to medium high until the meat is browned on the outside. No need to make sure it's cooked through.
-Using a slotted spoon, remove meat from dutch oven and set aside.
-Using a large dutch oven (cast iron works the best)you will saute the garlic, onion, 1 carrot, and celery just until the onions are soft on medium heat. About 5 minutes.
-Add meat back to dutch oven
-Add about 3 cups of beef broth or just enough to cover meat
-Add 1 tsp of dried herbs mixture
-Bring mixture to a boil then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 1.5 to 2 hours
-Add remaining vegetables (potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, parsnips or whatever vegetables you want to include)
-Continue to simmer for an additional 30-45 minutes
-Whisk into a stew
-If you have problems getting the right consistency or thickness I suggest mixing a little bit of cornstarch with cold water in a separate container and adding it little by little to get desired consistency
-Reheat and serve while hot!
-Biscuits are a great addition to the stew

Hope you like it! It's pretty easy and quite tasty!

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