Saturday, December 18, 2010

Facebook, Bragbook, My Life is better than you Book, and Charlie Sykes

On this wonderfully chilly Saturday morning I felt the urge to write a blog. I've decided that whenever I feel like discussing something I will write about and not worry about making sure I cover certain topics or having any sort of consistency in posts.

Thursday I decided that I needed a bit of "me" time so I called up my favorite stylist and scheduled a trim and retouch. I drive about 40minutes one way to get my hair done. Most women would understand. During my lovely ride out to Waterford I turned on 620 wtmj. I'm one of those people who listens to talk radio in the car and jams when I'm cleaning my house. The ever so colorful Charlie Sykes was on. It must be said that I am not exactly a fan of his show, however, I do listen to it often to get different points of views and he mostly does have good topics. I prefer this show to Jeff Wagner or the guy who's on after that. I do prefer to listen to NPR almost always but depending on the topic and the guest. Some of the guests are a real snoozefest. I am not disclosing whether I share Mr. Sykes political opinions. That is for another post and another day when I have more energy. Anyway, I'm losing track of what the heck I'm writing about.

Charlie Sykes' topic was Facebook. As a "heavy" facebook user I was def intrigued by this topic. Mr. Sykes does not really use facebook or twitter. Frankly, he doesn't understand it. He does understand it's importance in today's world and the many uses and functions it has. He understands it has reached millions of people that might otherwise be unreachable. The whole topic was brought up when Mark Zuckerberg was named Person of the Year. At 26, Mr. Zuckerberg, is world's youngest self made billionaire. Impressive. So listeners where asked to call in and give their opinions on facebook and what they use it for if they do. I think The Charlie Sykes Show targeted demographic is something like white Republican men ages 35-65. I was definitely curious as to what people would say. After about 15 minutes of listening to callers I started to break down my thoughts on website that is as natural to check twice a day as brushing my teeth.

Here is what I have come up with after listening to multiple opinions from the show and from what my friends and family have shared with me in the past. Facebook Useres fall into several categories:

Let me break it down to the catergories I see:

The "I Put all My Info and Pictures on Facebook so People Can see How Well I am Doing and be Jealous"
Also known as "Bragbook". I think we ALL fall into this category at least once in awhile. This doesn't seem like it needs to much explanations. Statuses that read "2 days until the Bahama's" or "Johnny just won first place in soccer, swimming, baseball, and being the awesomest ever". "So and So's wedding you are not invited to and "I Just bought a brand new (insert latest trend here)". I by no means am excluding myself from any of my categories. Where do you think I got them from? My thoughts on Bragbook is the constant need to seek approval and the power to get people to notice what you are doing. Facebook is poor man's Twitter. I don't use Twitter. Tried to but just can't keep up and I believe Twitter is truly for the self indulgent. It's bad enough to have to see a Facebook status updated 20 times a day but Twitter? No thanks. Having said that one can argue how self indulgent Facebook is as well. As one caller said, "It's like a shrine to yourself". That's pretty true. I personally post pictures of my friends, family, pets, life, etc because I want people to see what I am doing. I want people to thinks "Oh, that Alex is doing well. Good for her." or "Alex and Adam's son is adorable!". Who doesn't want that? As I mentioned I would consider myself a heavy facebook user as I check it several times a day. Yes, my current circumstance enables this but it is also a comfortable convenient excuse as well. But as far as self indulgent goes the opposite can be said for a more pessimistic view. Some people use it as an outlet to complain, vent, even insult others or ideas. Or also to self pity. This is my biggest issue. When so and so break up and all you see is lame lines and lyrics from the latest Emo band and how their heart is broken with black blood spewing out into a pool of emptiness and despair. Please. Write a blog if you are going to loathe in your own self pity. This does not include the "I'm Drunk and have to the need to let everyone on Facebook know at 2am." That is pretty damn entertaining so keep that up. Or people who write about their financial affairs. All this does is makes everyone reading it uncomfortable. We all have financial issues. Please don't share. I believe the above category probably is the broadest and most popular. I might also include a sub category of "Convenient Way of Keeping in Touch". As in the broadest sense people are lazy and this let's us inform our friends, family, whoever what we are doing with out having to visit or call. But good because we might not keep in touch otherwise.

Another category I think is pretty popular is "To Promote My Business, Campaign, Contests, Music, Movies or Non Profit" This is not quite as entertaining as other categories but should be included. It's pretty self explanatory and I think it's one of the great perks of facebook. How can you reach so many people with so much information for free? It's amazing. Especially for the small business or non profit. It used to cost a lot money to get the word out and now you can reach anyone in virtually seconds. I love that. Facebook has literally changed the way non profits campaign to future and current supporters. When the internet first became main stream everyone was amazed at the amount of information at your fingertips. But you still had to search around for awhile. Now everything you need to know from sales, to school closings, to weather and traffic reports, to the latest news can be found on Facebook.

Another category I have come up with is "Stalkerbook" or "Creepy Creeperson Book". You know who you are. You are the person that signs up purely to "stalk" or "creep" on other peoples pages. You add friends just so you can look at their pictures to what they now look like or find their relationship status, who they are friends with ect. This differs from the average user in that these people NEVER post a thing or very rarely do. They will tell you, "Oh, Facebook? I rarely go on there. I just did because my kids, co-workers, etc said to". That is a bold face lie. They do go on. They may not participate but you better believe they are looking. And aren't we all guilty of this a time or two? You hop on a friends page and you see they are friends with someone you haven't seen or talked in awhile so you click their page hoping it's public, then you find yourself reading their entire bio, looking at all their pictures, then somehow on their significant other's page doing the same thing? Oh yes. We all do it.

I think one of the nicest categories I can think of is the "Parent's and Grandparent's now use Facebook". At first when it was mostly young 20 somethings and teens if an older person tried to "friend" you, you where appalled. We all remember the day we first saw our mom was on facebook, then our dad, than our great Aunt Martha, than finally, Grandma and how horrified we where! For the older generations to take part I think is great. Plenty of callers to Charlie Sykes where the expected, "I have no use for computers, or cell phones, or technology. In my day you wanted to talk to someone you got on your horse and traveled two days until you got to their house." Ok. Maybe not that bad. But you get the idea. But there was one lovely caller, an older lady in her late 70's, who was caring for her mother in her late 90's. They had literally hundreds of grandkids and great grandkids all over the country. One of them set up the computer for the ladies and showed them the basics of the internet and Facebook. The younger of the two now can pull up pictures of the kids graduating, school programs, and family photos and videos they may otherwise never see. That to me was amazing. Now Facebook has no age limits and that's one of it's many appeals.

I think the above categories are the ones most people fall into. However, I have a few other opinions on some of the users. I think Facebook is an easy avenue to not have to interact with people. In a world where social anxiety is high, not having to "face" anyone is the easiest thing to do. You can portray yourself anyway you want. People will see you how you want them to. They don't get the opportunity to form their own conclusion based on first impressions. It's kind of like internet dating but with people you already kind of know. On facebook you could go back and forth constantly without hesitation but in real life it might be more challenging. Also I think people use Facebook as a way to get their opinions out there. Stating your opinion is everyone's First Amendment right. But, I think it's way to easy to post an opinion that maybe hateful or racist and hide behind your computer. When in an actual confrontation I don't think many of these people would be so vocal. I, on the other hand, say what I think whether if be on facebook, in person, in front of a large group, on the radio, or whatever. I take pride in my ability to confront people and debate issues. I think many people are very cowardly and will start a hate related page but not include their real identity. Many people say extrememly hateful things but I think it's mostly just to get a rise out of bleeding heart liberals and right winged conservative Christians.

My last thought on this is the anti facebookers. My dearest and bestest friend, J, was on facebook for awhile than deleted her profile. I was appalled! How could you? Why? How can you live your life not knowing who's marrying who, who's pregnant, who's in jail, who, who, who? She simply smiled and said, "I want to keep in touch with people the old fashioned way. I want to call, have visits, send letters." I thought there is no way she is actually going to follow through with that. But sure enough she has. I speak to her almost daily, see her often, text often, and keep in touch with her just as much as facebook friends. I admire her tenacity and determination. I could not dream of deleting my account. No way. I'm addicted and can give 500 reasons why.

I will end this post not only with my thoughts on Facebook but a challenge for you to express your thoughts and opinions on why you use facebook. Did you always want to or where you peer pressured in because "Everyone is doing it"? Do you have categories I might have missed? I'd love to know!


  1. Great Blog! Loved it. I agree with you, I use to never get on FB much now I check it off and on all day. It's a great way to keep in touch with the people you care about, especially for me since as you know most of my family lives in Wisconsin. It's nice to know how everyone's doing and what's going on in their world. I also love to share what's going on in mine. To me FB is just a part of life and a link to family and friends! :)

  2. Interesting read! I think you categorized each individual quite well. I do think most people don't completely fall into one category as they fall into a hybrid of two or more categories. I fully agree with the notion of most people bragging about something once in a while via the status update. I myself have bragged about a life success here and there. I think this is quite an acceptable practice.

    What's life all about? Succeeding in accomplishing our goals! It's what makes us wake up every morning. Whether your goal is being a mother, being a father, going to work to provide for your family, buying a new big screen TV, starting a business, becoming an aunt, helping someone out in life, volunteering, getting a raise, complaining to the world, hating as much as you can in life, or working out, your sole purpose in life is succeeding in accomplishing those goals. Facebook is a great way of informing your friends and family of those accomplishments. The second thing you want to do after accomplishing a goal is to inform a loved one. Facebook combines this ability with the ability to stay in touch with loves ones and promote a project/business. This is where they hybrid user is formed. I love the fact that I can communicate with my long lost friends and family, talk about life, promote my ideas and beliefs, and share my life's perspective with people I've met in my life.

    Human connection and interaction is one of the most important parts of life. Facebook accomplished this with great timing and verocity! We are living in the age of information and Facebook is going to be a big part of the age.

  3. the only reason i joined facebook was because i wanted to easily keep in touch with friends and family while the military kept me away from home.
    Honestly i am addicted to it now, but for me its more of just jumping on to see if anyone has left me a message or see if katie posted any pictures of layla or herself. When i finally get home for good, i dont see myself deleting my facebook page but i dont think i will use it as often
