Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Number 2...

Most of my friends know that I am currently pregnant with baby boy #2 and have been having complications. The reason for this post is to inform and educate my friends and family on my condition and exactly what is going on with me and baby.
My son, Aaron David, was born July 19th, 2009 at 32 weeks. I had to do an emergency c-section due to a placental abruption (placenta is what the baby needs to breath and an abruption is when it detaches from the uterus prematurely). At the time there was no known cause for the abruption but much speculation. I have chronic hypertension but it is controlled with medication and I also had a pretty severe staph infection. Aaron was premature but still a good weight at 5lbs 3oz, not bad for 32 wks! He had to stay in the NICU at Aurora Sinai in Milwaukee for two weeks so he could gain weight, learn to eat, and thrive. He did amazingly well. Grew each day and with the exception of a bought of jaundice was very healthy. It was a very hard two weeks and Adam and I stayed at the hospital the entire time. We where able to bring him home when he was just a day shy of 35wks gestation.
After many consultations with doctors, specialists, etc. we still did not have an exact answer why this had all happened. I was very diligent throughout my pregnancy and did "everything right". We decided to not focus on the past and put all of our energy into taking care of Aaron and all the precautions that come with a premature baby. Adam and I had discussed having another baby at some point but didn't know when would be "the right time". On July 1st 2010, I was in the ER with a terrible back injury. It appeared I had a slipped disc and could barely walk. The doctor wanted to do a CT Scan and before they could they asked if I could be pregnant. I said I didn't think so and they did a test anyway. It was negative so onto the CT Scan I went. About a week later my back was feeling a bit better but I wasn't feeling very good at all. On a whim I went to Walgreens to buy a pregnancy test. It was just Aaron and I at home and I really wasn't expecting any surprises. I was surprised when it came back positive!!
The pregnancy was moving along well but I was under close watch and considered high risk immediately because of my last pregnancy with Aaron. My blood pressure was OK and everything seemed to be ok for me. Many tests where ran to see if there was anything wrong they could detect. My OB called me at work and told me my tests came back abnormal. I had tested positive for Lupus Anti Coagulant Antibodies. Basically this is an autoimmune disease that affects the way your body clots blood. In my case I have a tendency to clot too much. A placental abruption is caused when the blood clots in the placenta making it detach. Things where starting to come together. At about 17wks I was busy getting ready for an event when I began to feel very sharp pains in my abdomen. They got worse and I called the doctor right away. I would not go back to work. I went into the doctor the next day and it was noticed I was having pretty bad contractions which is not good at 17wks. Yes, I have had Braxton Hicks in the past (as Adam likes to call them, Toni Braxton's) but these where different. My dr. told me to stay off my feet for a week. One week turned into two weeks. My OB then decided it was time I went to see the high risk doctor or Periontologist. While waiting for my appointment I had about every test imaginable. It was not unusual for me to go into the doctor and get 10 tubes of blood taken. The big question was why did I have Aaron early and what is going on with this baby? After more tests, ultrasounds, appointments, etc. it was concluded that because of chronic hypertension and Lupus Anti Coagulant I was again at risk for another premature birth and placental abruption. The Periontologist made his recommendation to my OB on how to go forward and how to keep my baby inside me for as long as possible. The treatment would be no work, no stress, lots of rest, daily baby aspirin to help thin my blood, blood pressure medications 3x a day, and blood thinner injections into my stomach everyday until I have the baby.
The main reason I am posting this is there has been confusion, speculation, and a general misunderstanding about what exactly is going on. I struggle between the thought of that it isn't anyone's business what is happening to I post on facebook a lot so that basically invites people into your life. I thought I would just get it out there and answer any questions. Plus, I think it's important for people to know that not all pregnancies are easy and about 40% of women experience some sort of complication. And I believe there is some misconception that complications must be the mother's fault through alcohol or drugs or cleaning supplies or drinking coffee. Reality is most of the time there is nothing the mother can do to prevent it or know about it before she became pregnant. I would never know I have this condition had we not tested specifically for it, leaving me at risk for blood clots and strokes later in life. Since I had been fairly open about my pregnancy and birth of Aaron, many of my facebook friends have asked me questions or sought my advice when dealing with similar situations. I also want to mention that there are many variations of "Bed Rest" ranging from resting as often as possible to never leaving bed! I can definitely leave bed. I am perfectly capable of doing light tasks and going places. Although I do have to bring a wheelchair with me if I am going to be somewhere where I can't sit down every 30 minutes. My restriction are not just based on what I can do physically but also based on keeping my stress very low. I am in danger of another premature birth. I go to the OB every week and have growth ultrasounds every two weeks. I have been truly blessed with AMAZING friends and family. I have someone come over everyday from 9am-4pm to help me with household tasks and care for Aaron. My support system is amazing and this would be much more difficult if I was on my own. And not mention my wonderful and amazing husband, Adam. He does so much and is so supportive. He has been to every doctor appointment but two which is hard when you go every week! He puts up with so much too. I might have killed me by now. Sometimes I annoy myself! I've gotten many well wishes and offers of help which I am very grateful. It is also nice to have someone to talk to daily that isn't in diapers.
Most people say to me that they would go crazy in my situation. That isn't helpful. It is difficult but I am taking this time to take care of my baby and myself. It is also nice to be with Aaron everyday. I'm reading more, writing more,cooking more and focusing on the next 15 wks before the arrival of our baby boy. We are still doing pet sitting as the extra income is helpful and it gives me something else to focus on. I am grateful that I am pregnant and if I had to be strapped to a chair for 9mths to have a healthy baby I would. I try to keep in mind that it isn't all about me but about my baby and getting him here safely and not too early! I do have good days and bad days. I do sometimes feel crazy. I do miss working very much!! Trust me. You would too. But I keep in mind that when in my life will I have 5mths to just take care of myself and my children? I hope this answers any questions my friends and family may have. I am trying to not complain and feel sorry for myself but keep in mind this is for my baby. Who's name by the way is Jude Eric Dahlstrom! Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season and remembers it's not just about food and presents but about friends and family. How cliche is that? I will try to post updates as often as I can.

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