Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time to put out the Nativity, Xmas Tree, Menora, Kinara?..... and Homemade Eggnog

I really wanted to write a blog today and this morning I had many blog ideas. But now as I actually sit down to do this, I'm at a loss. Then I thought I would write about what I've noticed about this holiday season or the holiday season for the past 10yrs or so. I am not looking to get into a real deep discussion on this just my thoughts on the "Holiday" or "Christmas" season.

Growing up my family has always celebrated the traditional Christmas. We put up a tree, sang carols, bought presents, and so on and so on. When I was in elementary school we had a Christmas program where we sang traditional songs like "Jingle Bells" and "Away in the Manger". That's where the issue seems to be now. Not "Jingle Bells" but "Away in the Manger". As children we thought nothing of singing Christian songs or carols along with other holiday music. Having to stay away from Christ never seemed to be an issue. I went to a public school.

As our society becomes increasingly politically correct I have to wonder are we over stepping a bit. In our effort to not offend have we gone so far as to go right back to offending. As a country known for our Freedom of Religion does that mean you can believe what you want as long as you don't bring it into the mainstream? Wasn't that the point to begin with? To believe what you want and not have fear of persecution? Does it really truly offend people if there is a nativity scene in front of the court house? Or does the idea of the nativity urk people? I am neither a strong believer on either front. I have my beliefs and that's what they are. Mine. And frankly I don't care what is displayed on our buildings or sang in our schools when it comes to Christmas. It all has the general meaning of spreading love and acceptance. Being with people you care about and taking a moment to think of other people than yourself for a change. To me Christmas is everything it has been since I was a kid. "O Holy Night" happens to be my favorite carol and my Oma's nativity scene under her tree was something I would stare at for hours simply because both are beautiful and symbolize peace.

Yes, I understand both points of view quite well. For Christians the very meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For non-Christians, Christmas is more of a combination of faiths, pagan tradition, other holidays, and commercialism all rolled into one. But to go as far as to literally ban anything Christ related in public schools is a bit too much. I believe the banning is causing more harm than "O Come All Ye Faithful". I believe it teaches kids to be less accepting of other's beliefs rather than more accepting. When I was in first grade I went to a liberal arts school and we still sang traditional carols. We also took a day to learn about Hannukah and Kwanzaa. That seemed fine. I realize that this blog may seem I am more on the side of Christianity but that's not entirely true. This isn't a crusade for religion. It's more or less about our society trying so hard to make everyone happy it's having the opposite effect. For people that know me well know that I do try to be politically correct in most situations. I don't like to stereotype people of different races and I hate jokes that are sexist or racist as well. I just find them in poor taste and think other topics are more appropriate. I hope to teach my children about all that is Christmas and will never call my tree a "Holiday Tree" as it will always be a Christmas tree.

Since this truly is my favorite time of year I don't like to get into to many political discussions or debates on the "True Meaning of Christmas". I like to decorate, get together with family, shop, and watch Christmas movies on t.v. I know many people have very strong opinions on this matter or else it wouldn't make the news practically every night. So I am interested in how other people feel about this matter? Do you think we should take Christ out of Christmas? Should we celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as well? Or can we just have a Good Ol Fashion Family Christmas?

As an added bonus here is my recipe for Egg Nog as seen on allrecipes.com. It heats up the eggs so it is safe for pregnant women. Of course the rum is optional :)


  • 4 cups milk
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 12 egg yolks
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 1/2 cups light rum
  • 4 cups light cream
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg


  1. Combine milk, cloves, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan, and heat over lowest setting for 5 minutes. Slowly bring milk mixture to a boil.
  2. In a large bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar. Whisk together until fluffy. Whisk hot milk mixture slowly into the eggs. Pour mixture into saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 3 minutes, or until thick. Do not allow mixture to boil. Strain to remove cloves, and let cool for about an hour.
  3. Stir in rum, cream, 2 teaspoon vanilla, and nutmeg. Refrigerate overnight before serving.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Facebook, Bragbook, My Life is better than you Book, and Charlie Sykes

On this wonderfully chilly Saturday morning I felt the urge to write a blog. I've decided that whenever I feel like discussing something I will write about and not worry about making sure I cover certain topics or having any sort of consistency in posts.

Thursday I decided that I needed a bit of "me" time so I called up my favorite stylist and scheduled a trim and retouch. I drive about 40minutes one way to get my hair done. Most women would understand. During my lovely ride out to Waterford I turned on 620 wtmj. I'm one of those people who listens to talk radio in the car and jams when I'm cleaning my house. The ever so colorful Charlie Sykes was on. It must be said that I am not exactly a fan of his show, however, I do listen to it often to get different points of views and he mostly does have good topics. I prefer this show to Jeff Wagner or the guy who's on after that. I do prefer to listen to NPR almost always but depending on the topic and the guest. Some of the guests are a real snoozefest. I am not disclosing whether I share Mr. Sykes political opinions. That is for another post and another day when I have more energy. Anyway, I'm losing track of what the heck I'm writing about.

Charlie Sykes' topic was Facebook. As a "heavy" facebook user I was def intrigued by this topic. Mr. Sykes does not really use facebook or twitter. Frankly, he doesn't understand it. He does understand it's importance in today's world and the many uses and functions it has. He understands it has reached millions of people that might otherwise be unreachable. The whole topic was brought up when Mark Zuckerberg was named Person of the Year. At 26, Mr. Zuckerberg, is world's youngest self made billionaire. Impressive. So listeners where asked to call in and give their opinions on facebook and what they use it for if they do. I think The Charlie Sykes Show targeted demographic is something like white Republican men ages 35-65. I was definitely curious as to what people would say. After about 15 minutes of listening to callers I started to break down my thoughts on website that is as natural to check twice a day as brushing my teeth.

Here is what I have come up with after listening to multiple opinions from the show and from what my friends and family have shared with me in the past. Facebook Useres fall into several categories:

Let me break it down to the catergories I see:

The "I Put all My Info and Pictures on Facebook so People Can see How Well I am Doing and be Jealous"
Also known as "Bragbook". I think we ALL fall into this category at least once in awhile. This doesn't seem like it needs to much explanations. Statuses that read "2 days until the Bahama's" or "Johnny just won first place in soccer, swimming, baseball, and being the awesomest ever". "So and So's wedding you are not invited to and "I Just bought a brand new (insert latest trend here)". I by no means am excluding myself from any of my categories. Where do you think I got them from? My thoughts on Bragbook is the constant need to seek approval and the power to get people to notice what you are doing. Facebook is poor man's Twitter. I don't use Twitter. Tried to but just can't keep up and I believe Twitter is truly for the self indulgent. It's bad enough to have to see a Facebook status updated 20 times a day but Twitter? No thanks. Having said that one can argue how self indulgent Facebook is as well. As one caller said, "It's like a shrine to yourself". That's pretty true. I personally post pictures of my friends, family, pets, life, etc because I want people to see what I am doing. I want people to thinks "Oh, that Alex is doing well. Good for her." or "Alex and Adam's son is adorable!". Who doesn't want that? As I mentioned I would consider myself a heavy facebook user as I check it several times a day. Yes, my current circumstance enables this but it is also a comfortable convenient excuse as well. But as far as self indulgent goes the opposite can be said for a more pessimistic view. Some people use it as an outlet to complain, vent, even insult others or ideas. Or also to self pity. This is my biggest issue. When so and so break up and all you see is lame lines and lyrics from the latest Emo band and how their heart is broken with black blood spewing out into a pool of emptiness and despair. Please. Write a blog if you are going to loathe in your own self pity. This does not include the "I'm Drunk and have to the need to let everyone on Facebook know at 2am." That is pretty damn entertaining so keep that up. Or people who write about their financial affairs. All this does is makes everyone reading it uncomfortable. We all have financial issues. Please don't share. I believe the above category probably is the broadest and most popular. I might also include a sub category of "Convenient Way of Keeping in Touch". As in the broadest sense people are lazy and this let's us inform our friends, family, whoever what we are doing with out having to visit or call. But good because we might not keep in touch otherwise.

Another category I think is pretty popular is "To Promote My Business, Campaign, Contests, Music, Movies or Non Profit" This is not quite as entertaining as other categories but should be included. It's pretty self explanatory and I think it's one of the great perks of facebook. How can you reach so many people with so much information for free? It's amazing. Especially for the small business or non profit. It used to cost a lot money to get the word out and now you can reach anyone in virtually seconds. I love that. Facebook has literally changed the way non profits campaign to future and current supporters. When the internet first became main stream everyone was amazed at the amount of information at your fingertips. But you still had to search around for awhile. Now everything you need to know from sales, to school closings, to weather and traffic reports, to the latest news can be found on Facebook.

Another category I have come up with is "Stalkerbook" or "Creepy Creeperson Book". You know who you are. You are the person that signs up purely to "stalk" or "creep" on other peoples pages. You add friends just so you can look at their pictures to what they now look like or find their relationship status, who they are friends with ect. This differs from the average user in that these people NEVER post a thing or very rarely do. They will tell you, "Oh, Facebook? I rarely go on there. I just did because my kids, co-workers, etc said to". That is a bold face lie. They do go on. They may not participate but you better believe they are looking. And aren't we all guilty of this a time or two? You hop on a friends page and you see they are friends with someone you haven't seen or talked in awhile so you click their page hoping it's public, then you find yourself reading their entire bio, looking at all their pictures, then somehow on their significant other's page doing the same thing? Oh yes. We all do it.

I think one of the nicest categories I can think of is the "Parent's and Grandparent's now use Facebook". At first when it was mostly young 20 somethings and teens if an older person tried to "friend" you, you where appalled. We all remember the day we first saw our mom was on facebook, then our dad, than our great Aunt Martha, than finally, Grandma and how horrified we where! For the older generations to take part I think is great. Plenty of callers to Charlie Sykes where the expected, "I have no use for computers, or cell phones, or technology. In my day you wanted to talk to someone you got on your horse and traveled two days until you got to their house." Ok. Maybe not that bad. But you get the idea. But there was one lovely caller, an older lady in her late 70's, who was caring for her mother in her late 90's. They had literally hundreds of grandkids and great grandkids all over the country. One of them set up the computer for the ladies and showed them the basics of the internet and Facebook. The younger of the two now can pull up pictures of the kids graduating, school programs, and family photos and videos they may otherwise never see. That to me was amazing. Now Facebook has no age limits and that's one of it's many appeals.

I think the above categories are the ones most people fall into. However, I have a few other opinions on some of the users. I think Facebook is an easy avenue to not have to interact with people. In a world where social anxiety is high, not having to "face" anyone is the easiest thing to do. You can portray yourself anyway you want. People will see you how you want them to. They don't get the opportunity to form their own conclusion based on first impressions. It's kind of like internet dating but with people you already kind of know. On facebook you could go back and forth constantly without hesitation but in real life it might be more challenging. Also I think people use Facebook as a way to get their opinions out there. Stating your opinion is everyone's First Amendment right. But, I think it's way to easy to post an opinion that maybe hateful or racist and hide behind your computer. When in an actual confrontation I don't think many of these people would be so vocal. I, on the other hand, say what I think whether if be on facebook, in person, in front of a large group, on the radio, or whatever. I take pride in my ability to confront people and debate issues. I think many people are very cowardly and will start a hate related page but not include their real identity. Many people say extrememly hateful things but I think it's mostly just to get a rise out of bleeding heart liberals and right winged conservative Christians.

My last thought on this is the anti facebookers. My dearest and bestest friend, J, was on facebook for awhile than deleted her profile. I was appalled! How could you? Why? How can you live your life not knowing who's marrying who, who's pregnant, who's in jail, who, who, who? She simply smiled and said, "I want to keep in touch with people the old fashioned way. I want to call, have visits, send letters." I thought there is no way she is actually going to follow through with that. But sure enough she has. I speak to her almost daily, see her often, text often, and keep in touch with her just as much as facebook friends. I admire her tenacity and determination. I could not dream of deleting my account. No way. I'm addicted and can give 500 reasons why.

I will end this post not only with my thoughts on Facebook but a challenge for you to express your thoughts and opinions on why you use facebook. Did you always want to or where you peer pressured in because "Everyone is doing it"? Do you have categories I might have missed? I'd love to know!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beef Stew and Hermits

After I wrote my blog today I had realized that I had not done what I had wanted to do. I haven't even explained the title of my blog " A Bun in the Oven". For those of you that know me (all 3 of you!)know I LOVE to cook. This blog was going to be an update on my pregnancy as well as some of my own recipes I want to share. Now I have more time than ever to express my culinary aspirations and amongst all the baby talk I'll also include my successes and failures in the cooking world. I thought just reading a recipe isn't all that exciting so I am also going to include a funny or interesting childhood memory to spice it up (pun intended). These two things may or may not have any connection.

Apparently I will write several blogs in one day then go several days without writing anything. I don't know the blog etiquette or rules but who cares. This is my blog. Also I think it's nice that if you are reading along and thinking this is boring you can just click off the page. No one will ever know. Unlike while engaged in a conversation you cannot just "click off" the person. Just a disclaimer that I may head in another direction or write about things that aren't relevant but just what I happen to be thinking about.

Ok so first I will tell the story I thought of today. First of all if you know my family you won't think anything of it. However, if you don't you may think we are a bit strange but really what family isn't. My family is loud, opinionated, strong willed, determined, competitive, and stubborn but we are also caring, considerate, and understanding. Growing up in my house with my dad, his significant other, my sister, and my brother you held your own. Before we moved in with my dad we used to visit him on the weekends like a lot of divorced families. At the time we lived in Racine and he lived in Buena Park in Waterford. My dad did many things to keep us entertained. One of his favorite things was telling us stories of the "Hermit People". Now why lots of parents are reading Dr. Seuss to their kids, my dad was telling tales of the "Hermit People of Buena Park". And me and my siblings took his word as the truth. How gullible we where. The "Hermit People" where a group of people that lived in abandoned houses. My dad said they where known to kidnap children, steal family pets, and basically where crazy inbred lunatics. I believe at this time I was about 6, my brother 4, and my sister 8. Yes, a disturbing tale to tell young children but there you have it.

One winter day we all went for a walk around Buena Park. We did this most weekends. As we approached the "Hermit House" my dad began to tell us a story. This particular house was at the end of a long driveway that clearly hadn't been driven down in some time. The house was dilapidated and mostly boarded up. It looked especially depressing on a winter day snow and ice covering most of the property. My dad began to tell us of the old Hermit witch who lived there. He said children would go up to the house and throw rocks and call her names. She would then kidnap the children and turn them into ducks and geese and they would live forever on her property on the small pond beside the house. We hung on to every word as we slowly approached the end of the driveway that looked down at the house. My dad said, "Shhh be quiet". Just then we heard a bunch of geese honking and my dad said they where calling for help. Scary right! Here is the best part. Just as we walked past my dad pushed my sister down the icy driveway and ran away! My sister's eyes where huge as she struggled to get her footing to run. I stood there looking at my sister and couldn't believe my dad was running away and laughing. I reached out and pulled my sister up and we ran away after him! Now you might be thinking how horrible! But this was just one of many things my family did and there was no shortage of laughing at each other's expense.

My Recipe for the Blog.
This past Sunday I made beef stew from scratch for the first time. I have to say it turned out pretty awesome so I wanted to share the recipe.


2 lbs of beef stew meat or cubed roast
3-4 Carrots sliced
3 Baking Potatoes cubed
2 Parsnips sliced
2 Celery Stalks chopped
1 Large Onion chopped
1 Package of Mushrooms sliced
3 cups of Beef Stock
2 or so cups of flour
2 Tsp of mixed dried herbs (example: thyme, basil, oregano, parsley, marjoram, or savory)
4 Garlic Cloves chopped finely
2 Tbls of Butter

-First you will want to trim your meat of any excess fat.
-Take 1 tsp of dried herbs and sprinkle on the meat.
-Dredge the meat in the flour and put into dutch oven over medium heat with the onion mixture.
-Do not crowd the meat and continue to add the meat in batches.
-Increase heat to medium high until the meat is browned on the outside. No need to make sure it's cooked through.
-Using a slotted spoon, remove meat from dutch oven and set aside.
-Using a large dutch oven (cast iron works the best)you will saute the garlic, onion, 1 carrot, and celery just until the onions are soft on medium heat. About 5 minutes.
-Add meat back to dutch oven
-Add about 3 cups of beef broth or just enough to cover meat
-Add 1 tsp of dried herbs mixture
-Bring mixture to a boil then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 1.5 to 2 hours
-Add remaining vegetables (potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, parsnips or whatever vegetables you want to include)
-Continue to simmer for an additional 30-45 minutes
-Whisk into a stew
-If you have problems getting the right consistency or thickness I suggest mixing a little bit of cornstarch with cold water in a separate container and adding it little by little to get desired consistency
-Reheat and serve while hot!
-Biscuits are a great addition to the stew

Hope you like it! It's pretty easy and quite tasty!

Tell Me How You Really Feel..

Now that I have started a blog I wonder how to keep up with it. Do I post daily or when I have the urge? I am notorious for starting things and not following through or finishing. I might have a form of Adult ADD I think. Today instead of writing about my medical issues or technical issues with my pregnancy I thought I would write about my feelings. That's right. How I feel. Let's get right into it.

A typical day for me now is wake up and get Aaron up. Change his diaper, let him wonder around so he can wake up more, and I let out the dogs, feed the cats, and start to make Aaron breakfast. Usually around breakfast my help for the day arrives. Monday is Skinny of my mother, Tuesday is Grandma Dahlstrom, Wednesday is either my mom, my friend Caty, or my friend Jen, Thursday is Great Grandma Dahlstrom and Grandpa Dahlstrom, and Friday is Grandpa Goff. The help is tremendously appreciated as it is very hard for me to keep up with the house and with Seabass (a.k.a. Aaron) all day. I tire quickly and if I do to much I get very painful contractions and migraines. Though having someone in your house, doing your responsibilities is a little weird and takes some getting used to at first. I feel guilty, awkward, and uncomfortable at times. This is something my husband has told me to get over but is still weird.

Everyday I wake up and feel a different. Somedays I am so tired I can't bare to get out of bed but I know I have to. Other days I jump out of bed and start doing things right away with a renewed sense of purpose. However, lots of days I feel in a funk of worry, depression, and angst. I am trying to stay positive if not for me then for Jude. I also worry about feeling to sorry for myself than I get upset with myself for not being stronger. I had a very hard time when I had to leave work. To officially have my employment terminated for the time being was very very emotional. I do know it's not forever and perhaps when this is all said and Jude is here I will be able to go back. But the shelter is huge part of who I am and what I am. I am very proud of my almost 10yrs with the same organization. I LOVED my job, my coworkers, the animals, the volunteers, the supporters, all of it. I don't think anyone really realized how hard that part would be and just assume that I have to be on "bedrest" and can't work. Like I can just walk away from it and it would be no big deal. The loss of my ability to work at the shelter plagued me for days and days. I hated not being a part of it. I hated not being at events I had planned and help organize, I hated not knowing which animals where being adopted, I hated not visiting my friends at Golden Years to do the mailing, I hated not seeing my boss/friend daily to go over whatever is on our minds whether it be personal or professional, and I hated not interacting with all people I would see each day.

I feel like nobody understands how hard it was to leave. How hard it is to go back just to visit. How badly I want to be involved in any aspect! anything! But for the time being it is what it is. Just because I have to go down a different path right now and the shelter has to continue it's path doesn't mean our paths won't meet again. I just really wanted to vent this. It's def getting better but once in awhile I start thinking about it and I just get that awful feeling in my stomach that's not Jude kicking me or gas!

One of the highlights is Jasmine, my office cat, has come home to my house to retire. Not being with her and wondering how she was dealing with my absence was a huge stress on me emotionally and mentally. For those of you that don't know Jasmine might think "What the heck? It's just a cat". However, she was/is my cat. We have a special bond that is not shared with anyone else. She is "particular" in who she trusts and is basically a one person cat. Having her in my home has connected me back to a shelter and has renewed a lot of my energy. It also has proven she is not just a one person cat as she has snuggled up to my husband, son, and family.

So each day is a mixture of happiness about my pregnancy, being elated when Jude is really active, loving my time home with Aaron, worry about getting far enough in my pregnancy, anxiety about having another premature baby, stress about working again and if I'll have a job when this is all over, guilt about feeling anything other than concern for my pregnancy, guilt about a lot. I have always struggled with guilt. It really can be all consuming and cause me to stay awake for hours at night.

I guess this blog isn't anything other than an out pour of current feelings that I feel I'd like to share. That's the issue with blogs I have. Are they anything more than self indulgence or are they a theraputical way to come to term with how you are feeling? I'll have to think about that.

til next time (who knows when that will be)......

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Preterm Labor, False Labor, or Panic Labor?

I am writing this post today because I am probably not the only pregnant lady to freak out over "weird" feelings. I had been having a lot of pressure in my pelvis and contractions for a couple of days. I know all about Braxton Hicks and round ligament pains but this seemed worse. Could I be going into preterm labor? What does that feel like? I of course went online like an idiot and all that did was set off the panic button. Remember, I had an emergency c-section with Aaron and have no idea what labor feel like. How am I suppose to tell the difference between false labor and real labor? Throw in my already existing complications and my tendency to be a mild hypochondriac and you get one anxiety ridden person!

So this morning I called my mom to come over asap. Adam had forgotten his phone for the first time ever and I had already left a message for my OB. I couldn't get a hold of Adam so I called his supervisor, which I've never done before and told her to tell him to call me asap. As soon as he got home we rushed to the my OB, who had told me to come in right away. After my examine, all checked out fine. Cervix closed, baby still pretty high and active, and basically false labor. Or as I call it panic labor. How do you tell the difference moms? It's most likely I will never go into real labor as I have a scheduled c-section now. Since you always hear that each pregnancy is different I am trying to go with that. This baby has been soo different than Aaron and sometimes I feel like this is my first one!

The Jude Baby Plan is moving forward as planned and I am sure I will freak out more than once. But better safe than sorry right?

Baby Number 2...

Most of my friends know that I am currently pregnant with baby boy #2 and have been having complications. The reason for this post is to inform and educate my friends and family on my condition and exactly what is going on with me and baby.
My son, Aaron David, was born July 19th, 2009 at 32 weeks. I had to do an emergency c-section due to a placental abruption (placenta is what the baby needs to breath and an abruption is when it detaches from the uterus prematurely). At the time there was no known cause for the abruption but much speculation. I have chronic hypertension but it is controlled with medication and I also had a pretty severe staph infection. Aaron was premature but still a good weight at 5lbs 3oz, not bad for 32 wks! He had to stay in the NICU at Aurora Sinai in Milwaukee for two weeks so he could gain weight, learn to eat, and thrive. He did amazingly well. Grew each day and with the exception of a bought of jaundice was very healthy. It was a very hard two weeks and Adam and I stayed at the hospital the entire time. We where able to bring him home when he was just a day shy of 35wks gestation.
After many consultations with doctors, specialists, etc. we still did not have an exact answer why this had all happened. I was very diligent throughout my pregnancy and did "everything right". We decided to not focus on the past and put all of our energy into taking care of Aaron and all the precautions that come with a premature baby. Adam and I had discussed having another baby at some point but didn't know when would be "the right time". On July 1st 2010, I was in the ER with a terrible back injury. It appeared I had a slipped disc and could barely walk. The doctor wanted to do a CT Scan and before they could they asked if I could be pregnant. I said I didn't think so and they did a test anyway. It was negative so onto the CT Scan I went. About a week later my back was feeling a bit better but I wasn't feeling very good at all. On a whim I went to Walgreens to buy a pregnancy test. It was just Aaron and I at home and I really wasn't expecting any surprises. I was surprised when it came back positive!!
The pregnancy was moving along well but I was under close watch and considered high risk immediately because of my last pregnancy with Aaron. My blood pressure was OK and everything seemed to be ok for me. Many tests where ran to see if there was anything wrong they could detect. My OB called me at work and told me my tests came back abnormal. I had tested positive for Lupus Anti Coagulant Antibodies. Basically this is an autoimmune disease that affects the way your body clots blood. In my case I have a tendency to clot too much. A placental abruption is caused when the blood clots in the placenta making it detach. Things where starting to come together. At about 17wks I was busy getting ready for an event when I began to feel very sharp pains in my abdomen. They got worse and I called the doctor right away. I would not go back to work. I went into the doctor the next day and it was noticed I was having pretty bad contractions which is not good at 17wks. Yes, I have had Braxton Hicks in the past (as Adam likes to call them, Toni Braxton's) but these where different. My dr. told me to stay off my feet for a week. One week turned into two weeks. My OB then decided it was time I went to see the high risk doctor or Periontologist. While waiting for my appointment I had about every test imaginable. It was not unusual for me to go into the doctor and get 10 tubes of blood taken. The big question was why did I have Aaron early and what is going on with this baby? After more tests, ultrasounds, appointments, etc. it was concluded that because of chronic hypertension and Lupus Anti Coagulant I was again at risk for another premature birth and placental abruption. The Periontologist made his recommendation to my OB on how to go forward and how to keep my baby inside me for as long as possible. The treatment would be no work, no stress, lots of rest, daily baby aspirin to help thin my blood, blood pressure medications 3x a day, and blood thinner injections into my stomach everyday until I have the baby.
The main reason I am posting this is there has been confusion, speculation, and a general misunderstanding about what exactly is going on. I struggle between the thought of that it isn't anyone's business what is happening to I post on facebook a lot so that basically invites people into your life. I thought I would just get it out there and answer any questions. Plus, I think it's important for people to know that not all pregnancies are easy and about 40% of women experience some sort of complication. And I believe there is some misconception that complications must be the mother's fault through alcohol or drugs or cleaning supplies or drinking coffee. Reality is most of the time there is nothing the mother can do to prevent it or know about it before she became pregnant. I would never know I have this condition had we not tested specifically for it, leaving me at risk for blood clots and strokes later in life. Since I had been fairly open about my pregnancy and birth of Aaron, many of my facebook friends have asked me questions or sought my advice when dealing with similar situations. I also want to mention that there are many variations of "Bed Rest" ranging from resting as often as possible to never leaving bed! I can definitely leave bed. I am perfectly capable of doing light tasks and going places. Although I do have to bring a wheelchair with me if I am going to be somewhere where I can't sit down every 30 minutes. My restriction are not just based on what I can do physically but also based on keeping my stress very low. I am in danger of another premature birth. I go to the OB every week and have growth ultrasounds every two weeks. I have been truly blessed with AMAZING friends and family. I have someone come over everyday from 9am-4pm to help me with household tasks and care for Aaron. My support system is amazing and this would be much more difficult if I was on my own. And not mention my wonderful and amazing husband, Adam. He does so much and is so supportive. He has been to every doctor appointment but two which is hard when you go every week! He puts up with so much too. I might have killed me by now. Sometimes I annoy myself! I've gotten many well wishes and offers of help which I am very grateful. It is also nice to have someone to talk to daily that isn't in diapers.
Most people say to me that they would go crazy in my situation. That isn't helpful. It is difficult but I am taking this time to take care of my baby and myself. It is also nice to be with Aaron everyday. I'm reading more, writing more,cooking more and focusing on the next 15 wks before the arrival of our baby boy. We are still doing pet sitting as the extra income is helpful and it gives me something else to focus on. I am grateful that I am pregnant and if I had to be strapped to a chair for 9mths to have a healthy baby I would. I try to keep in mind that it isn't all about me but about my baby and getting him here safely and not too early! I do have good days and bad days. I do sometimes feel crazy. I do miss working very much!! Trust me. You would too. But I keep in mind that when in my life will I have 5mths to just take care of myself and my children? I hope this answers any questions my friends and family may have. I am trying to not complain and feel sorry for myself but keep in mind this is for my baby. Who's name by the way is Jude Eric Dahlstrom! Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season and remembers it's not just about food and presents but about friends and family. How cliche is that? I will try to post updates as often as I can.