Friday, July 27, 2012

Let's Talk Gun Control Shall We? - thoughts on the Aurora shootings

As I contemplated what I would write my blog about I had so many ideas. A lot has happened recently and I just wasn't sure what I felt like tackling. Also, I've been reading nearly everything I can about everything that's been in the news. Well, many things. It's really hard to stay totally caught up and my own weak spot in the news world is international news and I have made a vow to get better at that. Here is a short list of events I considered blogging about: Sandusky Trial and Penn State's smack down from the NCAA, the Olympics and the uniforms made in China (which for me is a metaphor for so much more), Chik Fil A and their owners stance on gay marriage (I really did want to blog about this but I feel like I have blogged on gay rights quite a bit so I passed this time) and finally the Aurora shootings. Oh, one more. Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson. Totally out of my usual realm of blogs but still. Homewrecker much? And would on Earth would cheat on RPatz?? (I know. I'm such a nerd)

For fear of sounding like a broken record I almost didn't blog on the shootings since it's so overplayed in the media and we are saturated with so much detail whether it's important or not. I have a few thoughts I will play out in this blog. One is the amount of media attention these situation get, mental illness and the media and lastly gun control as a whole. You may boo or you may cheer at what I say or you may just say, "eh, whatever." It's all well and good.

So every single time a tragedy of this magnitude plays out in the media every one has a knee jerk reaction. "Oh my god!" "how tragic" "was he caught?" "how many people died". After the initial feeding of the starvation of the basics, things start to get broken down. "Who was this guy?" "Where there warning signs?" "Who knew him" and the focal point falls from the victims and lands smack dab on the killer. In many cases I believe this is what the killer wants but that's just speculation. The human mind (most of them) cannot comprehend the idea of killing a person let alone a lot of people. Sheer curiosity and the need to understand can overtake our compassion for those who were slain. That to me is very sad. James Holmes should merely be a footnote and we should get updates as he goes to court. Hearing dates, updates, trial dates, etc. I honestly don't care to see his spacey looking bug eyes beneath a tousle of badly died red curls again. I want to know about the victims. I want to know about their dreams and their families. I want to know about funds that people can donate to their families or the victims who are still alive and funds to help them with medical costs. I know that information is out there but to find it, again, I have to see four times as many articles and pictures of 'ol bug eyes. Also, isn't this usually what these serial killers or mass murders want? I am not a FBI profilist or whatever but I have studied extensively on serial killers. Why? Simple. The human brain fascinates me and psychology fascinates me. What happens in the brain to allow these things to happen is disturbing and interesting. Anyway, from what I have learned from experts in the field is this is usually the last straw to get noticed. These individuals are so alone and their reality has become so distorted that they feel this is the only way to make a name for themselves, to be known, and not disappear into oblivion like the rest of us someday will.

That brings me to the mental health issues. Many Americans suffer from mental illness. Whether it's anxiety to severe depression to actual agoraphobia or other afflictions that make their daily lives really hard, it's all there. But there has always been a stigma on mental health. Most likely the term "crazy". Now no one wants to be called crazy. Like seriously crazy. And no one wants others to feel weird around them, not trust them with their children, or other judgements if they find out the person has a mental illness. I don't know anything about this guy's mental illness or if he even has one. I think it's safe to assume he does. "Normal" people do not walk into a theater and just start shooting. This is not human nature to kill for no reason. Something inside him snapped. Or something has been simmering for a long time and finally blew. Were there signs? That's a subjective thing to say because even I have off days and I would hate for someone to think because I've become withdrawn I'm going to go on a murderous rampage.  Which also makes me think of what his defense will say. How will he plead? Not guilty because of mental illness or defect (thank you Law and Order SVU) or will he plead out. I really do hate plea bargains. Just so the prosecutor gets a "win" some people never get put to trial in front of their peers for judgement. They plead "guilty" for a less sentence. That almost seems like blackmail or extortion. "You give me a win and I won't throw you in the slammer." Disappointing..

My last thought (I'm making a valid effort to keep these blogs much shorter as I tend to go on and on, gun control. This shooting like so many others has opened up a whole bag of worms regarding gun control. Both sides are up in arms (pun intended). You have the groups who want more restriction, more control, more over site, less guns, you also have the other side who says if guns were allowed in the theater this would have never happened. Ok, the last statement is just plain ignorant. No one can say for sure what would have happened if someone in the theater had a gun. Let's be realistic. It was chaotic, tear gas was in the air, people are screaming and bleeding and fights are being fired in the dark. Here's the different between the gunman and everyone else. He wasn't aiming for anyone in particular. He didn't care who he shot. If you were in the theater with a gun you would have to be able to grab it, locate your target and shoot. Way easier said then down my friends, and if you think you "could have taken him out" shut up. You have no idea if you could have. For all you know you could have ended up shooting more innocent people. One little piece of evidence all these "would be heroes" seem to be forgetting is this guy was covered in bullet proof armor from head to toe so let go of your fantasy were you and your gun are the big heroes. Ok, that being said, this situation is not an issue about gun control for me. On either side. First of all, what more regulations can you have? He didn't have any priors and passed all clearances. He obtained his guns legally just like millions of other Americans but they don't shoot up theaters. How much of a background test are we going to give people? Make them take a lie detector? Scan their brains? We run a fine line of invading to much privacy here. So no, more regulation would NOT have prevented this. Having concealed carry in the theater would NOT have prevented this. You know why? If a person wants to do something of this magnitude they are going to do it, whatever means necessary. If he couldn't get the ammo and guns legally he would have gotten them on streets so that point is moot. If people want to be homicidal maniacs they will be. Sorry to say but it's true. It's called free will and everyone has it. Some use it for good and others use it to hurt. Holmes chose to kill people. He was going to do this regardless of his means of obtaining the guns. That was merely a point on his checklist of "Things I have to do before I start killing innocent people".

My final thoughts are there is so much talk, talk, talk, and speculation about what if and could have. The fact of the matter is this happened. Let the families mourn. Pray for those who have lost. Be grateful for everyday you have and love everyone as much as you can. Take all the politics and speculation away and you are left with broken hearts and broken families. Including Holme's family. They are dealing with the unimaginable. Let these families say goodbye in piece and figure out how to go on. And to the Wall Street Journal reporter James Taranto who tweeted,

"I hope the girls whose boyfriends died to save them were worthy of the sacrifice."

I am going to punch you in the wiener if I ever see you. How dare you classify or question their "worthiness". Their boyfriends decided they were worthy when they shielded them from flying bullets. True heroes. Gave the ultimate sacrifice and should be remembered as such. Saying something so stupid on your Twitter account Mr. Taranto shows your huge lack of sensitivity and that basically your kind of an asshole. How do you think the girls family would feel? Anyway, I'm getting off topic because people can be ignorant and stupid.

All I can say is that I hope the families of the victims and the surviving victims going through treatment find some peace somewhere. You have not lost your loved ones in vain even if the media portrays that.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A lady named Rhonda

Wow, it sure has been awhile since I did this. Months actually. Part of me has had this in the back of my mind but the other part has just been too busy to take the time. Also the last blog was about Gia and that is still a part of my life I am dealing with. It certainly isn't because I haven't had anything to blog about. The opposite really. I have lots of things going on but is any of it interesting enough for others to read is the real question. Well I have a story today that is of interest. I thought I would use this blog today to catch everyone up on my life, but really what's to know? Here's the 5 second rundown: new job-love it, in school- tolerating it, lots of pet sitting- helpful, boys getting bigger- wonderful, got a new dog- adorable. Now that that's out of the way here's my story and my thoughts on it. This event happened to me today. It has had a very profound effect on me and I've really had to concentrate to stay on task today.

Today was a typical Monday for me. Up early, getting kids ready, getting myself ready, animals fed, let out, etc. etc. After all this is done I leave for my very long day at work. Mondays are my longest and hardest days as it's my deadline day. I have to make sure all my work is done for the Delavan Enterprise and then have to begin and finish my own papers The Lake Geneva Times and Genoa City Report. Every Monday I go to the Delavan Municipal Building/ Police Station for my editor. I pick up any mail for the Enterprise and go over to the P.D. to pick up the police blotter from the past week. The blotter is basically a run down of all the calls that came in and why. Today was busier than usual. I had to park closer to the Municipal part of the building than most Mondays. I typically park by the P.D.  and make that my first stop. I have a routine. I stop in at the P.D., let them know I'm here and they begin to get the blotter ready for me, during that time I walk over (which is just a doorway) to the municipal building to pick up the mail. By the time I do this (sometimes stopping at the restroom) the blotter is ready for me to pick up and I go on my merry way to work.

Today was not that typical day. As I walked up the stairs to the building to go over to the P.D. I saw a woman sitting in the lobby. Her back was to me and I could see three animal carriers around her. I didn't want to stare so I glanced her way and went to the P.D. I had to cross this lady again to get the mail and again to pick up the blotter. Now I could have left the building through the P.D. side but something was telling me to go back to the lobby. I also knew if I didn't I probably would never forgive myself. I then was determined to see if this lady needed help. I don't know why I felt like she did I just did.

I walked over to her cautiously and noticed she indeed had three carriers with cats in each one. Her clothes were dirty, her hands and nails were black, her hair was pulled up and matted and her face was tired and worn. She was eating out a can. I didn't want to stare or make her feel bad but I kneeled down next to her to speak to her. Immediately I noticed a strong odor coming from her and concluded it was a mixture of the cats and perhaps not being able to bath for awhile. I couldn't help but think "What is this woman doing in here? Is she homeless? Has anyone asked her if she needed help?" I was shocked to see several people coming and going and not even glance in her direction. As I walked over I softly said, "Hi Ma'am. Do you need some help?" She quickly shook her head and said she was fine and waiting for the pawn shop to open so she could sell her things and get back home. I again asked her if she needed help and she began to shake and cry. I held out my hand and said "My name is Alex. What's your name?" She told me her name was Rhonda. I sat down next to her and asked her what happened. Why was she inside here with her cats, dirty, eating corn from a can, looking like life had slapped her in the face? She began to tell me her story about how her boyfriend who was violent went to jail in California, in hopes of starting a new life she packed up all she had, her 5 cats (yes 5), emptied her savings and jumped on the road headed for Wisconsin where she was going to stay with a long time friend until she could get back on her feet. Apparently her friend's wife decided the cats had to go or get to the vet immediately to get checked out. This was on a Sunday and not a feasible option. It turned out this was just the wife's way of telling Rhonda she actually was not welcome to stay. Rhonda had spent every dollar she had getting out here. She drove a large truck with all her belongings and it cost her nearly $1000 in gas to get to Wisconsin. She had hopes of a new life and now here she was stranded in a strange place with no money, no place to go, no food and no hope.

The folks at the municipal building let her sit in the lobby with her cats to escape the heat. Apparently she sat there all day on Sunday. I noticed her cats seemed very anxious and were probably very tired of being cooped up. I asked her about the cats and she said they where her babies and she did not want to give them up. At this point I wasn't sure what to do. I had to help her but had no idea how. I certainly don't have $1000 to give her for gas. I gave her my number and took hers. She had gotten a prepaid phone and had minutes on it.  I told her I needed to make some phone calls and would try to do what I could to help her but I couldn't promise anything. I went back to my car determined to find this woman help. Any help. I thought that I could at least get her cats some more food and litter and maybe help her find a place to rest while we figured out how she would get home.

I immediately thought of my friends Sal and Corinne Dimiceli from the Time is Now. I wasn't sure how fast I could get ahold of them but I would try. I called Sal first and his cell phone was not on. I then sent Corinne an email and told her it was urgent she call me as soon as she could. I let Rhonda know I was trying to get her help from a local charity. I asked her to sit tight, stay cool and I promised she would hear from me one way or the other. I did have to get to work!

When I got to work I told my co workers what I had seen and experienced. I could see the concern in their eyes and knew they could see mine. It took every once of strength to not start crying. Mostly because I didn't know if I was going to be able to help this woman get home and also because looking that kind of pain and hurt straight in the eye is very difficult. I started my work and got a call from Corinne about an hour or so since I first sent her the email. I explained what was going on and that I tried to call Sal. She told me that Sal was with a handicapped man helping him and she would get a hold of him asap. We talked about Rhonda and I gave her all the information I had. I then called Rhonda and told her that she would most likely be getting a call from some friends of mine so to keep her phone nearby. After several hours I was getting anxious wondering what was happening. Just like that my phone rang. It was Rhonda. Sal and Corinne had gone into action and were helping Rhonda get home. Sal set her up in a hotel in Lake Geneva where she could also keep her cats. The woman who runs the hotel had it all ready and very cool so Rhonda could get comfortable. She needed to shower, sleep and eat before she could even think about her trekk home. Sal also left her plenty of Walmart gift cards at the front desk, gas cards, and funds to get the things she needed and then get back home. Rhonda was sobbing on the phone telling me what a miracle it was and how she believed her cats saved her life because that was the reason I initially stopped.

I just spoke to her again and she is overwhelmed with the generosity of Sal and the Time is Now. This blog is beginning to sound like a Time is Now column! She kept thanking me and I told her it wasn't necessary and I just hope if I were in a tough spot someone would stop and ask me if I needed help. She plans on heading back home to California where she does have family and friends for the most part tomorrow.

So of course this has been on my mind all day. And yes I was at first concerned for the cats but once I looked at her face I was just as concerned for her. With the latest heat I knew neither she nor her cats would last long without some help. I know how cliche this all will sound but when you see that in person you really reflect on what you have and not so much on what you don't have. I'm not writing this looking for any sort of "good job". I'm writing this because it had such and affect on me and it was time for me to blog again. Everyone is guilty of overindulgence and wanting the greatest and latest. Myself included. But looking at this lady with her cats eating out of a can I wanted to give her anything I had to help her. I know some people will think this was her own fault and maybe that's why no one stopped. Maybe she made a mistake in coming out here but how was she to know? And regardless of how she got here she was here and there was no going back on what was done. I haven't been very sympathetic to people for the most part. I always felt that if they wanted something they should be able to take care of it. However, bad things do happen. Things that aren't planned. And it could happen to anyone at anytime. People really need to stop being so self absorbed.

All I know is while Rhonda felt grateful I came into her life, I feel grateful she came into mine. Sometimes you need a reality check to stop being so damn materialistic. There are many very good people who get dealt a bad hand now and then. I'm definitely guilty of taking my life for granted but I do know that I will think of Rhonda often and use that to make sure I don't take for granted the wonderful life I have. People like Sal and Corinne are not the norm and I am constantly in awe of their work. I did receive a message from Sal that everything was taken care of and I didn't have to worry or take her cats in! I feel better that I put this in writing. Maybe I don't write as much as I now I do a LOT of writing for school and work but today it just felt like a good time. And I will think of my new friend Rhonda often and hope she is back on her feet with those 5 cats of hers.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dear Gia

I have been going back and forth about writing a blog about my dog, Gia, who I had to put to sleep yesterday. I just can't seem to organize my emotions and grief. And just let me say right now to anyone who is readying those thinking "It's just a dog. It's not like you lost a family member" stop reading. People who don't have pets will never understand. Of course I would be grieving if I lost a person I love. But losing a pet you had for 13 years is no picnic. Everyone grieves their own way. I haven't had to grieve in a very long time. I have been hit with a whirlwind of emotions. All the symptoms of grief. Sadness, Denial, Anger, Guilt, and trust me I'm working on acceptance.

This dog was a major part of my life. Before I ever even had an inkling of getting married and starting a family I had Gia. She was with me and by my side for all the big moments in my life. Both happy moments and sad moments. And sometimes even my darkest moments.

I think people might think because I worked with animals for so long that I would be used to this or more accepting. It's actually the opposite. You know what an animal has to offer and how they can affect the lives around them. How they can be theraputic and scientifically proven to improve your health. Trust me, just because I worked with animals and had to say good bye to some of them, it's nothing compared to losing your own. You have that feeling in your stomach that you could puke. You start thinking of times with your friend and try to force yourself to think of anything else. You almost want to just forget. Because at least it wouldn't hurt.

I've been reading on many different sites how to handle the loss of a pet. Since I like to write I figured I'd blog. Not really for others. I really don't care if anyone reads this. This is for me and a theraputic way for me to get out how I feel. If anyone judges me I don't care. A friend told me to do what I need to do and what makes me feel better. That is my plan and I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about it. That's all i'm going to say about that.

It's funny because I can still feel her laying next to me, I can still feel her fur which was always so soft, I can still hear her murmurs when she got locked in Aaron's room, I can smell her doggy breath when she would try to lick my face. The point being is she is still all around me. I know that will fade and I will become use to being someone who only has one dog but I feel it would be disloyal to just try to suck it up and move on. Gia would never hurt a soul. Actually she was against violence of any kind. She hated when people fought even if it was just pretend. No matter who it was if someone tried to hit another person she would growl, bark and put herself in between the people every time. Always the peacemaker. One thing I read is to write a letter to the one you lost. I liked this so I decided to write Gia a letter.

Dear Gia,

Did you know how much I loved you? Did you know how much you meant to me? Do you know how badly I miss you. Do you know that my heart is broken and a piece of me died with you?Do you know that letting you go was the hardest decision I've ever had to make? Do you know how much Dad, Aaron, and Jude loved you? Do you know how lost Lambeau is without his best friend? Do you know how much he misses you?

I asked these questions to reassure you you were never taken for granted. You know you are and will always be my princess. From the moment you first stayed with me and slept in my room, I knew you would be my dog. It was a common kinship and we both were committed for the long haul. I think you always knew I would always take care of you. You needed me to save you at that moment and in return you saved me in ways I can never express. I felt I didn't have a friend or another being in the world that cared for me unconditionally. Then I had you. You did love me unconditionally. You accepted me and never judged me. I was your mom and you would forever follow by side and show how fiercely loyal you were.

I never thought twice about how I felt about my little girl and how I would talk about you. I never thought twice about bringing you every where I could because I felt you would enjoy being out with me. What I didn't realize is how much everyone else would love you. Every person you met you left an impact on. Every one misses you. Every one loved you. You where more than just my dog. You where my friend, my companion, and the greatest little thing to come to my life when I needed it the most.. I hurt more than I can describe. The pain is intense but I know it's nothing compared to the pain you were in. To see you suffer made my heart ache and I couldn't let you go on like that. I knew you would trust me to do the right thing by you. I knew you would know how much I love you. I never expected this to be so hard and painful. I knew it would hurt but I was unprepared for the amount of grief that has fallen on me. I feel like this can't be real, Gia. You can't be gone. You just can't leave me yet. I'm not ready to say goodbye even though I had to. I was not ready to lose you.

I don't know how long this is going to hurt so very much but my life will never be the same. You changed me forever. You taught me unconditional love. You showed me loyalty. You gave me stability. You shared my sorrow and my happiness. You accepted that I had another love in my life and you loved him too. You took it in stride when we brought Lambeau home. Then all the fosters and eventually the cats. You still were the Gia I loved. When I had children you accepted them as your own. You never left my side when I was on bedrest. You would wait for me outside the bathroom. You waited all day by the window for me to come home. Seeing you every day will be memories I'll always have.

The memories I have with you are more than I can count but I will do my best to remember them. You were not "just a dog". You were my friend. My best friend. You were my Princess and I love and miss you so very much. Please rest in peace my little heartbeat at my feet.

Much love forever,

Your Mom

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Come on Baby and Rescue Me" a little insight on the world of rescue and shelter pets

My rescue cat, Monkey, taking a snooze with a baby Aaron.

I am quite late on writing this blog. I've wanted to for weeks but life got in the way. Also I started a new job, which I love, and enrolled in school so I've been engrossed in some changes. Also, my little  baby, Jude turned one! Not such a little baby....*tear*. Anyway, a close friend of mine posted an article on my facebook page and was interested in my thoughts. The article was called "No pet for you" and was posted on Oh, was I intrigued...

Having worked at an animal shelter (an amazing one by the way) for almost a decade I am always curious as to others opinion on the process behind rescuing an animal. To be clear for those who don't know, an animal shelter or humane society is not the same as a rescue group. Nor is it the same as an animal control facility. A humane society adopts out homeless animals to loving homes. Many are privately run and owned and rely mostly on donations from their supporters. They typically are NOT government run or owned properties. A rescue group is a group started by individuals that try to help with the overflow from shelters. Many are breed specific and are also run solely on donations and adoption fees. An animal control facility is known as what some would call a "pound" although even they are getting better. They are government run facilities that are responsible for collecting stray animals in the community. What they do with them varies. Back in the day, I repeat back in the day, it was common for them to euthanize any animal that was not redeemed by its owner. Nowadays, many of those are transferred to shelters, rescues, or adopted straight out. Not to say that is always the case but the guy running around with a net, driving a paddy wagon type vehicle, and aggressively capturing dogs has long been a thing of the past.

Back to topic. After reading this article and being asked my opinion I wanted to know more. Even though I no longer work for the animal shelter it will always be near and dear to my heart and saving homeless animals will always be a passion of mine. Let's just say that lots in the article shocked me but then after I thought about it. Not so much. I'll explain why.

The article is basically bashing private rescue groups because of the adoption process. Yes, it can be an ordeal. Yes, you have to answer a lot of questions and that can be annoying. The article sights that many groups won't adopt to you because you work full time, or don't have a fenced in yard, if you plan to have children, or if there are too many steps to your front door. Yes, some rescue groups go a little to far in who is the "ideal pet owner" and sometimes that clouds the simple fact that this animal needs a home. Maybe not a perfect home but still a home. Unless the potential adopter is a Michael Vick supporter I think they ought to ease up a bit. That being said, there are still some important "tests" that need to be passed. For example, my former place of employment had two major requirements to be "approved". One being that you either own your own home or they get permission from you landlord. I think that's pretty understandable. If you rent, adopt a pet you can't have, landlord finds out, back comes the pet which is quite stressful for the animal. Secondly, is that your current pets are up to date on vaccinations and if they are not they ask that you update them. Not much to ask. This is not just for the safety of the incoming animal but for the safety of your own pet. We are talking about an animal that has been surrounded by many other animals and may have spent a significant amount of time outside coming in contact with god knows what. While the shelter pet may not be sick because it was vaccinated, doesn't mean that it didn't come in contact with something. Same as if you were to take your dog out for a walk or to a park. All kinds of little buggers it can come in contact with but if being treated with heart worm preventative, flea control, and vaccinated against distemper and rabies will be fine. By the way, those are the big vaccinations most places want your pet to have as they are deadly diseases and there is no cure.

So, do most shelters or humane societies put you through the third degree? Not really. Will some rescues? Well yes. While many questions and requirements from some rescues I find absolutely ridiculous I do know where they are coming from. I don't agree with the inquisition because at some point you need the potential pet owner to carry the responsibility and accountability. Also, having met quite a few rescuers myself there is a sense of "you're not worthy" air about some of them. But I am not going to crucify the majority of rescues for their policies. You have to know that many of these people do this unpaid and for the well being of the animal. Also, the things that they have seen or even I have seen are things the general public does not want to see or know. Your view on humanity is definitely put into question. I have spent many many nights either setting my alarm to bottle feed day old kittens in the middle of the night, check the bandage on a cat that got stuck on a barbwire fence and had his leg amputated, or cleaned out wounds that contained maggots. Yes, I said maggots. Not to mention the animals that come in grossly underweight and starved from neglect. The owner simply did not feel like feeding the animal. Crazy? Yes, but it happens. A lot. I've seen it. Did that make me hate people in general. Honestly, sometimes I did. I couldn't believe my fellow man had such disregard for a life they where responsible for and a life that relied 100 percent on their owner. And let's not forget WE MADE THEM THAT WAY. Now after spending all this time with an animal and literally nursing them back from near death you grow an attachment and only want the best for that animal. You will always think someone won't care about them as much as you do. But, that's not true. Someone will. And yes, many times the person who cared for the sick or injured animal is going to end up keeping them. Example, all three of my cats. Dulce, the black female that I fostered and cared for because her owners let her out daily and in the winter. To find warmth she crawled into an engine block. Owner started car and she got her leg and tail stuck in the belt. Owners didn't want to pay vet bill even though it was their fault and she came to the shelter. Who do you think paid that bill? The shelter. She had to have her front leg amputated. She was only 6mths old. After caring for her for many months, it was decided she stay with me. And the fact she attacked everyone else......Moxie I got as a kitten with a rotted off tail, and Monkey came to me after being hit by a car and having both legs broken and pins put in his hip.Clearly, I often fostered the injured. I have care for more amputees then I can even count. And no, I did not keep them all.

You see, after all this you do want the animals to be in the best home if you cannot keep them. I like to say because I have a husband and children I'm maxed out on room for more pets. Two dogs and three cats is plenty. It's understandable how rescuers are hesitant to let their little loves go but the fact doesn't change that they have to let them go. There is a strong connection between hoarders and rescuers. Many hoarders disguise themselves as "rescuers" and basically take in the animals but none are leaving. Just one thing to ponder.

The sad fact is over 4 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year for lack of homes and space. This isn't the very old and sick. Or the aggressive. This is healthy lovable pets that their owner could no longer care for. That, my friends, is the big picture. The petty "you can't have a full time job" or "what do you mean you want kids in the next 10 years?", and the "home visit" seem unneeded. What is needed is homes. Don't have to be perfect but suitable for the animal. Before writing this blog I have read literally hundreds of stories of would be great homes get turned away from rescues for not passing their "test". After all, weren't they doing the right thing by rescuing and not buying?! What do you think these families did that wanted a dog after being so harshly rejected? Went to a breeder or worse yet a pet store. The very thing shelters and rescuers are trying to discourage. By being to harsh with their requirements they shot themselves in the foot. These aren't scumbag families either. But homes that any animal would be lucky to be in. Many national organizations have recognized there is a problem about not placing more accountability on the would be pet owner and finding petty reasons to "deny" their application.

Do I think the article was right on the money? No, I think it was a bit too harsh on people just trying to help. But somewhere along the way the line and the ultimate goal got a bit off course. We need to remember the millions of animals that are euthanized each year and will continue to be if rescues don't let their animals go to good homes. Because then they don't have room to take in any more from shelters and that leads to more euthanization. It should be mentioned that many shelters are doing everything in their power to euthanize less or no adoptable animals. That is the direction they are going. So get it out of your head that shelters are just places for pets to die. That is crazy. People wouldn't work there for little pay or volunteer if they didn't love animals and just want to help. I knew and still know some of the most amazing people that ever walked this Earth that I met through the shelter. People that humble me and are people I feel like I am lucky to know.  And to the overzealous rescuers....rethink your decision. Over breeding and puppy mills will continue to thrive if families have no where else to turn to get their next furry family member.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Didn't We Almost Have It All

"Didn't we almost have it all
When love was all we had worth giving?
The ride with you was worth the fall my friend
Loving you makes life worth living"
~Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012)

During happier and healthier times
Sometime this afternoon Whitney Houston was found dead in a hotel room (at least that's what reports are saying right now.) I just found this out maybe an hour ago and have been reflecting on my feelings on this. I've been watching the Facebook statuses scroll through. Mostly sad, heartbroken, and of course shock. But is it really that shocking? The reason I decided to blog is because I can't sum up how I feel into a status. It will either come off as insensitive or just plain mean. That's not the point. Let me be clear that in no way shape or form am I being mean spirited intentionally. Just giving my thoughts and reaction to not just this news but the issue behind the sadness. Also let me disclaim I realize there's other news going on in the world. I'd like to point out I do blog about many of them. Just not today.

Ok. So I'm going to be brutally honest here because it's my blog and I can. And that's kind of the point. When I read Whitney had passed my first reaction was "that's not that shocking". Yup. That's how I felt. Kind of indifferent and not really shocked. Throw stones but come on people. Lets be honest. You thought it too. Whitney has had a very long and painful struggle with addiction. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, or whatever addiction certainly took it's long hand of pain and held her tightly. This is not speculation. This is fact. She has openly discussed her addictions. Tried and tried again at rehab and continued to fail. Obviously it's too soon to say that she died from a drug overdose but I think it's safe to say that years and years of abuse took a toll. Combine that with the pressures of being incredibly famous, having your career go from on top of the world to a distant memory, and to desperately make a comeback with one of the most train wrecks of a reality show ever  is something very few will understand. 

So Much Pain
This blog is not just a rundown on Whitney's life. It's about the desensitizing that is going on when it comes to substance abuse. Her death just made me think about it a little more. Every year we lose someone we admired, looked up to, idolized, or even loved to substance abuse. The more it happens does not mean it gets easier, however, it doesn't grab you by the seat of your pants like maybe the death of Elvis Presley. He was and is still revered as the King. The greatest ever. Even though he had a huge issue with substance abuse. I think a combination of the death of Kurt Cobain and that you now can get information about anyone in an instant has led to the desensitization of celebrity death when it comes to drug use. I might also mention it's not just celebrities. When we hear of the passing of a former classmate or acquaintance that had a known issue with drugs we weep for their families and loved ones but we also sigh deeply and think to ourselves we saw it coming. Which, by the way, is so very depressing. We should never be like "Well that person was an addict and this is no surprise." Pretty much the whole reaction to the death of Amy Winehouse. Was anyone surprised? I'm sorry right now I am just heartbroken about this whole topic. 

One of the greatest voices never to be heard again
The fact that drug use is so common place, and trust me folks it is, is truly disturbing and we should be much more concerned. Now, I know how hard that is in real life. I have had more than one friend struggle with substance abuse. It's true what they say. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves... but isn't using drugs a cry for help in it's own way? The fact that life is so hard on it's own the person needs a chemical escape is a problem and there's a reason for that deep down somewhere. I"m not going to pretend to be a psychiatrist here but I know what I've seen. There's always another deeper issue that leads to drugs. Also it would appear the "war on drugs" is just a figment of our imagination because there are more people using drugs than ever. They are not the homeless guy under a box either. They are kids, young kids!! dying from inhaling computer cleaner in their bedrooms, they are stay at home moms eating up their kids ritalin to keep up with the day to day pressures, they are the prom queen who tried heroine just once and now is massively addicted, and they are pretty much a huge population of the south who have made meth so popular it has it's own city called Meth Mountain.

What also bothers me is that when someone as famous as Whitney dies is the reaction from others. Many people are very sincere in their feelings but the "I'm so upset I can't stop crying" post from the person who probably just recently made a comment about what a disaster she was is more than just a little pathetic.  Be sad but don't be so freakin' dramatic and now all of a sudden it's about you. People can be so selfish it makes me sick. Also, in her death she will be more respected and revered than in her life. Case in point: Michael Jackson. Where were all these famous people when he was going through all the struggles. Not answering his phone calls that's where. Same with Whitney. A whole bunch of stupid celebrities who haven't said boo about her or worse yet have been using her to make jokes are now all of a sudden grieving her death like the death of their grandmother who raised them. I mean Brooke Shields giving a eulogy at Michael's funeral? WTF? It's the lack of sincerity or lack of actual genuine feelings that bother me. Whitney has been a sick woman for a very long time. Longer than people realize and didn't seem like to many celebrities where by her side then. Nope. Avoided her like the plague. Just like we do when we see a former classmate out at the bar and we know they are a drug user. Don't make eye contact and slowly move into the corner or hold your purse a little tighter. Instead we should initiate conversation because who knows, that little gesture of compassion could really help someone. 

I am guilty of all of this. Lecturing others is not the point. The point is too many people are dying from substance abuse. Too many people are destroying their lives and the lives around them. Too many people just turn a blind eye or cast a judgmental stare instead of offering to help. Man how we love to see others fail. Especially celebrities. Nothing like watching a person fall from grace in a very public way. All I know is that I have had some "not so proud" moments and don't even know how I would handle it if millions of people got to see it happen. Yes, I know. They are celebrities what do they expect? But do we have to pretend that they aren't human beings? Where has the respect for humanity gone? And after these people are gone all of sudden they are martyrs and such talents and amazing and etc etc. Come one. They may have spent the last hours of their lives with a needle in their arm and we are going to talk about how great they where because it makes others more comfortable. How about the cold hard truth? It may make for an awkward eulogy but it may also force people to face the facts.

Some people are just more prone to addiction than others. It's genetic and it's in your dna. I, for example, have an addictive personality. Whether it be cigarettes or donuts. Doesn't really matter what it is. I can overindulge. The fact I know this about myself keeps me away from things that will harm me. This is something I learned about myself the hard way not just by guessing. I do believe addiction is a disease and it's hard to accept that this person wouldn't be doing these things had they not been high. It's much easier to just be pissed and call them a loser.  

Anyway, I hope this blog makes you reflect if even for a moment on someone you know who may have an addiction. Yes, in your head they are a stupid, selfish, loser who doesn't deserve any help. I have felt that way many times too, but I try to be less judgmental. You know what they say. Until you've walked in someone else's shoes don't judge. 

The part of me that was loved Whitney in the 80's and 90's is mourning her death. The adult me is shaking my head at the fact that the next few days will be Whitney mania and all the details on how she died rather than the fact should she have died. 

May all those who lost someone to addiction find peace in your loss. Don't think that I think every addict can be saved. Most can't and most won't ever escape their disease. However, try to do something before it's too late.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Should Rename all my Posts Song Titles

So after reading and re reading yesterday's post I felt I needed to write a blog that wasn't so full of gloom and doom. After all I have much to be thankful for and lots of positive things in my life. After many more hours of bitching and feeling sorry for myself I realized that I needed to get it out of my system and move on. And if you felt sorry for me please don't. I am very capable of feeling sorry for myself enough for everyone. So today's blog is going to focus on things that make me smile, things I find amusing, and also information about myself that you prob dont know. Yes, this could get weird..... I'm not going to think this one through much or analyze it. I'm going to play a game with myself and just write whatever pops into my head. I guess to make it look nicer I'll number them. Be forewarned this good be 10 things or 1000. You can't put a limit on what you fancy. Here I go. Purging the good today instead of the bad.

1. Let's get the obvious out of the way. My family. My husband Adam, my sons Aaron and Jude, and my pets, Gia, Lambeau, Dulce, Moxie, and Monkey. Oh and Aaron's two surviving fish Elmo and Elmo.

2. The sound of crackling fire

3. The smell of crackling fire

4. The way my carpet looks after I vaccum

5. When the mailman pulls up to my mailbox. I hardly ever get anything good but just in case......

6. I have an irrational fear of bats. chiroptophobia. Which actually sounds like a fear of chiropractors but I looked it up. 

7. Fear of said bats getting stuck in my hair Alfred Hitchcock's Bird's style and ripping off my flesh

8. I can literally play old school video games like Mario for hours. 

9. I can play computer games for hours. 

10. I have a subscription to Big Fish which allows me to download one game a month

11. The smell of Jude's milk breath and feeling him breath on me when we are sleeping face to face

12. The look on Aaron's face when I come home. His eyes literally light up the room. 

13. When Adam pulls me into a corner just to steal a kiss.

14. We have the most amazingly supportive family.

15. I think my sister is one of the greatest and strongest women I've ever known.

16. My Oma wore spandex into her late sixties and rocked them

17. I just recently stopped wearing my maternity jeans. I know. They are just so comfortable but I realized I was a step away from pajama jeans. 

18. When I'm cooking I feel completely at ease and truly like myself

19. One of my favorite snacks is smoked oysters in a can

20. Sometimes I cry to get my way

21. Every single time Aaron says "mama" my heart swells

22. Every time Jude smiles at me my heart swells

23. Smelling lilacs in may

24. Smelling leaves in the fall

25. Smells are pretty important to me. 

26. I probably hate cleaning litter boxes more than any chore yet I've been doing it every day for over 10yrs.

27. I tell jokes when I feel insecure

28. My first grade crush's name was Todd Vogel. Wonder what happened to that guy?

29. I will ALWAYS watch Full House if it's on

30. I talk shit about reality tv ALL the time but I watch it because I'm a reality tv junky

31. When I think of favorite memories or my childhood I can get the actual feeling I had at that time. It's very surreal.

32. I swear I saw 3 plumber ghosts when I was 4 yrs old. 

33. I miss my Opa every. single. day.

34. I like the way my hair smells after I get it died

35. I will never ever stick my hand into a garbage disposal

36. I actually love drinking White Zinfandel but at a bar will always order a martini or captain and coke

37. I could probably live on ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 

38. I love raspberry flavored carbonated water

39. I have a girl crush on the following: Zooey Deschanel, Katy Perry, and Tina Fey

40. I have a guy crush on the following: David Beckham, Bradley Cooper, and (cougar alert!!) Taylor Lautner

41. I've had the same group of friends since middle school

42. I have a dream I'm still in middle school like once a week

43. Corn beef hash is my favorite breakfast item

44. Sometimes I eat the pistachio shells

45. I've actually said the phrase, "One day when I marry Joey McIntyre" 

46. I will listen to 90's alternative over anything else

47. 46 was a lie. I will also listen to pop and dance hits from the 90's 

48. I used to pull pranks, tell scary stories, and generally torture my best friend Julie just to see her reactions. They where priceless.

49. My first kisses in this order: Jacob Lindau at Julie's bday party (it was a dare even though we where "going out" at the time", Adam Lyman behind Sentry so romantic, and Deric Wallace on the bike trail. This was all in the 6th grade. I know. I was such a tramp

50. I love getting pedicures even though I have a phobia of feet. Podophobia. Now that sounds like a fear of feet and not chiropractors. 

51. I would take a bullet for anyone of my friends or family

52. I would do jail time standing on my head if anyone ever hurt my children.

53. One time I woke up in Cancun with a fork sticking out of my stomach I had fallen on in the night.

54. Sometimes I buy brand names clothes second hand and pass them off as new

55. I love online shopping. Like really really love it. Might go back to the mail thing.

56. I am aware on vain and self absorbed this blog is

57. Sometimes I need to be a little vain and self absorbed

58. Really isn't that what a blog truly is?? "Hey read some mundane shit I wrote! Why? Cuz I posted it on the internet"

59. Starting to feel cynical again...

60. Aaron's laugh is so deep from the belly it makes me laugh

61. Jude's gap in his teeth is part of his charm

62. Adam's dance moves are some of the worst yet best I've ever seen

63. My mother means more to me now than ever before

64. My father has taught me some valuable lessons in life while raising 3 kids. He also always bought me tampons.

65. Adam buys me tampons

66. Someday my boys will too. I think it's an important part of being a good guy

67. Adam's family took me in as one of their own almost immediately. I love them all so much

68. I put oranges in my water

69. I have eaten pizza with both ranch dressing and melted cheese. I know. So gross.

70. Will never stop liking taco dip

71. Knew I would marry Adam approximately 30 seconds after meeting him. Even told Eric Dietz that the next day

72. My niece, Kendall, gave me my motherly instincts. I never knew how much I could love a child until she was born.

73. The Police really do provide the soundtrack to my life

74. I have an addiction to using q tips. Adam sometimes hides them.

75. I have odd crushes on Conan O'Brien, David Bowie, and Jimmy Fallon

76. I wish Punky Brewster was still on the air

77. I'm really embarrassed I walked into a cd store and said the words "Do you have the cd "Barbie Girl".

78. Thanks to Adam and his dad I have a new found love of the blues. Especially the Memphis Blues. 

79. Anytime I see a crossroads I wonder if the devil will be waiting there to trade my soul for some sweet guitar skills

80. I always hold my breath past a graveyard and I can't even remember why

81. Sometimes I swear I'm psychic but have no ability to prove it. Which really doubts my belief that I'm psychic.

82. I still like the Titanic although I tell everyone I don't

83. My first best friend's name is Morgan McClean. She had an awesome house and played the cello

84. I went to a liberal arts school in the first grade. My favorite class was drama

85. I'm actually trying to make it to 100 but this is getting ridicolous

86. I learned a lot when I worked at the shelter. I made some awesome friends and amazing people. I miss them more than they will ever know.

87. I'm really excited to be a college student but also really scared

88. Two of my most prized possessions are the Noble Anthony rose bush from my dear friend Terri, and the hibiscus bushes I took from my Oma's house before they demolished it

89. Gia is absolutely the best dog in the entire universe of dog. She is a living legend.

90. I actually own the Ron Popeil knives. They suck yet I convince myself they don't

91. I would literally decorate my house for Christmas 365 days a year.

92. I'm known to listen to Christmas music year round.

93. I'm very proud of my brother

94. I have strong tendencies to hoard....

96. My previous employer, Kristen, is and will always be my mentor

97. My favorite perfumes are by Britney Spears

98. I love rainy summer days

99. Quoting movies is kind of my trademark

100. I made it to 100. This should be a good one. I enjoy eating processed canned meats as in spam and those weird sausages.

I hope you enjoyed this or you got really bored. I'm no Carrie Bradshaw but I have things to say. And they may be semi interesting. I have realized that you don't always have to write something incredibly witty or some hot topic political issue. Sometimes you can just write. And honestly after this I feel much better than I did before. My life is by no means an open book and anyone can read it but I do allow a few chapters to sneak out now and again. Plus I love getting feedback. It's one of my only social outlets and I'm happy with that. Til we meet again or as my next blog might be called "Don't Stand So Close To Me".

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This blog is going to a deep place that I have mostly kept to myself. I am writing this high on emotion and know if I don't do it now I won't. But I need to purge this. I can't suffer in silence anymore. Why you ask? Because of a little thing called pride. Pride and saving face. No one wants others to know they are struggling especially when it comes to finding work. It's embarrassing, it's humbling, and most of all its depressing. I have finally decided to share my story. For two reasons, one is I want all those people out there who are saying "there's jobs out there but no one is taking them" to shut their goddamn mouths and two because I'm hoping by putting it all out there I may get a lead or an interview. Here is my story. No holds bars. Truth is out there. Be prepared to cringe, feel uncomfortable, feel sorry for me (please don't), and just feel. This is the story of a truly unemployed skilled individual who cannot find work. Not for the lack of trying. Good god. I have long since lost count of the number of jobs I have interviewed for, the number of resumes I have sent out, the number of phone calls that said " You where one of the top candidates but....." Let me begin.

It all started in October of 2010. I was pregnant with Jude and beginning to have complications. I have an autoimmune disease that puts me at risk for another placental abruption. I was put on strict well semi strict bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. This is for another 6mths. I had to leave my current job which I loved at the Lakeland Animal Shelter to go sit in my bed. I remained in contact with the shelter and it was pretty much left in the air if I would return. As I grew closer to my due date it became apparent I was not going back. I wanted time to care for my newborn and 1yr old without stressing about getting back to work. This turned out to be the least issue as the shelter had discovered that without me there, they could designate my work to volunteers and other employees hence saving my salary. In short they could not really afford to bring me back. As devastating as this was it made sense and I realized it was time to move on. We parted amicably and the shelter is and will always be very dear to my heart. People ask if I got upset when my position was eliminated. I look at them like they are crazy. Why? More funds to care for the animals. Isn't that the point?

So I finished collecting my short term disability (thank god I bough Aflac the year before) and maternity and decided that in June I would begin my job search. I was optimistic. Who wouldn't hire me? I had a great letter of recommendation from the shelter and a great resume that showed all the work I did for the shelter. All the events I organized and all the money I helped raise. I felt it was solid and I had a great chance of finding another fund raising career at another non profit. WRONG!! So after submitting resumes to every non profit in the state the phone calls started coming in! I was thrilled. I made it through all the phone interviews and got called in for one on ones. I made it through most of those and got called in for  2nd and 3rd interviews. Then things went haywire. For whatever reason I couldn't close the deal. To make matters worse many of the organizations continued to contact me with other available positions. I even got offered a job at a non profit to later have it redacted due to highing within! The bane of my existence!! I have lost more jobs to inside hires than anything else. Why even interview anyone when you are just going to hire within anyway. Waste of time.

I do this for literally months. Interview after interview. Some panel style, some presentation style, some one on one, and one even role playing. I felt I knocked  them all out of the park. Every interview I left I had a good feeling about but for whatever reason it was not to be. Now one can only take so much rejection and I was close to quitting many times. But I'm no quitter. I'm motivated and determined. Also competitive so now it's my mission to find a fucking job.

Here's a little background for those who don't know me as well. I work hard. I have a strong drive to succeed and determination to the extreme. I'm competitive in a healthy way and very motivated. When asked what motivates me I have to be honest and say I motivate myself to succeed. I'm my toughest critic. I take pride in doing a good job as I take pride in nearly everything I do. And mostly because it makes me feel successful. Also my family motivates me and I want to contribute and set a good example for my children..

The reason for this blog today is I was yet again turned down for a job I thought I was perfect for. I have come to one conclusion that I can't believe I really didn't consider before and it was right in front of my face. I have no degree. That's right. Not even an associates and all the jobs I want are manager and professional jobs. I honestly believe if I had that piece of paper I would have a job by now. I feel that way because I've recently been told that by a potential employer. "you have everything. you are perfect, BUT you do not have a degree and it's only fair to hire those who went through school". What about those who worked their tail off caring for homeless animals for ten years!!! Does that not count for anything? The fact the shelter's fundraising budget was exceeded every year I was there. Nothing? I am certainly not discrediting higher learning. I have longed to continue my education but it just seemed so unattainable with my job, getting married, then kids but I realized you can make excuses for nearly everything and at some point you just have to suck it up and go for it. Yes, it's going to be hard but I'm more ready for this than anything I've ever been ready for in the past.

Wisconsin Unemployment Chart
So here I am. Still jobless and starting to feel hopeless. I guess I should mention a silver lining. I have enrolled at UW Oshkosh for the fall for my Bachelor's in Organization Administration in the school of Business. It's an ecampus course and I have already applied, sent my transcripts, did my financial aid, and am just waiting to hear back from the school. So yes, I am getting my degree. Better late than never but now a days a degree isn't enough, experience isn't enough. You need both to really stand a snowball's chance in hell.

As you can tell this blog is written with a lot of emotion behind it. I  have fallen into many doubts of depression and despair. What this has done to my mental health has been devastating. It takes every part of my being to get back out there, put on a smile and try to convince someone I'm good enough to hire. Why do I share this? Because it's reality folks and I'm not the only one. How does one not feel worthless when they can't even get a job selling long distance. Especially with the background they have and track record of succeeding. Many times I just want to give up. Mooch of the system and crawl into a corner in the fetal position and accept that as my new life. But fortunately that's not me. I don't have the 'give up' gene. I keep going and it's painful. I'm a glutton for punishment I assume.

As soon as I get yet another rejection what do I do? Jump right back on the computer and literally send my resume out to about 20 more places. And don't think I'm setting my sights too high. And actually if anyone thinks that they are an asshole because I am good enough for those jobs. Just to be clear I have applied to many many entry level jobs I've been deemed "too qualified" for? What the hell does that mean? I'm no math genius but the $9 or $10 dollars being offered is better than $0!

Right now I would settle for a part time office or administrative job. The full time job thing I just don't see panning out without a degree. Plus working part time will allow me to concentrate on my studies more and not take me ten years to get this degree.

So this is from the horse's mouth. The working poor. The family that is barely making it with one salary but still doesn't qualify for any assistance because my husband is working. So he should quit his job then we could get assistance. Fucked up. I don't want charity. I don't want a hand out. I want a job. We have been in danger of having our cars repossessed, our lights turned out, etc. We've made it through but just barely. Our families have been excellent in helping us out with things like groceries. Which is so appreciated but you feel sick to your stomach and your pride falls to the floor. You feel shameful and embarrassed.

I have many people on the look out for jobs. Hell, I even joined a temp agency! Nothing. Won't someone just give me a chance? They won't regret it. I have the most excellence references including from my previous employer. I'm smart and a really fast learner. There isn't much I can't learn how to do. I just need the chance to show it. Yes, this may seem like a pity party but I assure you it's not. It the manifesto of an unemployed mother of two who just wants to contribute to her family and her society. So here's my shameful plight. If you or anyone knows of ANYTHING please please let me know. My resume will be posted below. Feel free to share this blog with others. Not just to help me find a job but also a testament into the unemployed of this country. How dire and hard it is. How the last thing most of us want is money from the government or handouts. We take pride in working and supporting our families. That's what we strive to do.

Thanks for reading and hopefully getting some insight on the unemployed people in this country. We are not a bunch of picky whiners not taking jobs. Jobs are slim. The last 5 yes I said 5 interviews I went on this month I was up against about 50-100 other candidates. Some of the with their PhD for christs sakes. One of my best friends worked at Broadway Paper Stationary store. She has a degree in International Studies with a minor in Asian Studies. She worked alongside an architect and an engineer. How do I compete with that. So now more than ever I need this degree and will work my ass off to get it. Thanks for reading. Also I deeply apologize for the swearing. I never swear but sometimes it just feels right!

Alexandrea Dahlstrom

2111 Hillcrest Dr. Delavan, WI 53115 • 262-210-2530 • 


Obtain an administrative position where my expertise in interpersonal relationships, computers skills, and customer relations can be utilized.

Summary of Qualifications

An experienced Fundraising Director and Volunteer Coordinator with excellent interpersonal skills, time management, written and oral communications and the confidence to work independently. Has an emphasis on communications, sales, and marketing in the community and with social media.

Demonstrated skills and accomplishments in the following areas:
  • Coordinated and executed fundraising events and direct mailing campaigns
  • Obtained corporate sponsorships and major gifts with personal visits and letter writing campaigns.
  • Ability to interact with people from all different demographics
  • Conducted public and community relations by participating in radio, TV and newspaper interviews
  • Visited local community groups, organizations, businesses, and schools to discuss and educate about animal welfare and involve them in future activities
  • Performed administrative duties such as data entry, record keeping, follow through, and personal interactions.
  • Proven ability to set and accomplish goals with a talent for maintaining relationships with staff, volunteers, donors, and the general public while working as a team
  • Expertise in administrative tasks, fundraising development, event coordination, and volunteer management
  • Ability to work independently and driven to succeed and please
  • Able to take direction and accomplish assigned tasks quickly and in a professional manner
  • Driven to set new goals and challenges
  • Strong public speaking skills with a highly professional demeanor
  • Volunteered with many other organizations including several events at the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Al & Briggs Walk for Children’s Hospital, and Animal Shelter Alumni Pet Owners for the Lakeland Animal Welfare Society
  • Volunteered for the “Adopt a Highway” program
  • Currently enrolled to finish my degree in Marketing

Work Experience

Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2004 to 2011
Fundraising Director
  • Planned and executed fundraising events including Annual Golf Outing, Whisker Walk, Annual Charity Dinner/Auction, Wine Tasting, medical expense drives, and numerous direct mailing campaigns
  • Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee
  • Coordinated and managed volunteers for all events
  • Procured prizes and auction items for all events
  • Coordinated and prepared all direct mailing campaigns including: designing materials and assembling volunteers to prepare donor list mailing that exceeded 7,000 supporters
  • Obtained new donors and corporate sponsorships through use of sales and marketing skills
  • Exceeded budget every year
  • Performed administrative duties as needed including working with staff, answering phones, working with various computer software, filing and computer data, and other duties assigned
  • Responsible for 150% growth in fundraising revenue in 6 yrs

 Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2004 to 2011
Volunteer Coordinator
  • Recruited, trained and conducted monthly orientations for new volunteers
  • Conducted tours to educate and recruit members of the community on volunteer opportunities
  • Visited schools, community groups, and other organizations to educate about the needs of the organization
  • Created and implemented new volunteer programs that involved youth groups, college students, student organizations, community service, and Explorer Program with the Boy Scouts of America
  • Recorded and kept records of volunteer’s hours and commitments
  • Provided letters of reference for volunteers looking to join the work force or apply to colleges
  • Maintained volunteer education programs
Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2001 to 2004
Animal Caretaker/ Receptionist
  • Cared for over 2,500 animals yearly including cleaning, feeding, and administering medications
  • Trained incoming employees
  • Assisted in the Executive Director in additional tasks not specific to my title
  • Managed office duties while Executive Director could not
  • Performed administrative duties as needed including working with staff, answering phones, working with various computer software, filing and computer data, and other duties assigned


High School Diploma, Waterford Union High School, Waterford, WI                             June 2000
            General Courses including French 5
            Participated in Student Council and Peer Listening
Marketing, Gateway Technical College, Elkhorn, WI                                                                                            August 2002
            Course work including Written Communications
            Accelerated classes in Marketing Business and Basics
Organizational Administration- Bachelor’s Degree, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
            Enrolled for Fall of 2012

Computer Skills

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, and Axcess
Publishing and Media Software: QuarkXpress 8, Roxio Creator, Windows Movie Maker, and PhotoStudio
Fundraising Software and Online Applications: Donorperfect Software for record keeping, Firstgiving Online, and Intuit Website Program


Corinne Dimicelli
Occupation: Founder of The Time is Now Charity and Owner of Lake Geneva Area Realty
Years Acquainted: 9
Relationship: Volunteer Work

Terri Lindelow
Occupation: Owner of Terri Lindelow Designs
Years Acquainted: 3
Relationship: Volunteer Work

Kristen Perry
Occupation: Executive Director of the Lakeland Animal Shelter
Years Acquainted: 10
Relationship: Former Employer