Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Should Rename all my Posts Song Titles

So after reading and re reading yesterday's post I felt I needed to write a blog that wasn't so full of gloom and doom. After all I have much to be thankful for and lots of positive things in my life. After many more hours of bitching and feeling sorry for myself I realized that I needed to get it out of my system and move on. And if you felt sorry for me please don't. I am very capable of feeling sorry for myself enough for everyone. So today's blog is going to focus on things that make me smile, things I find amusing, and also information about myself that you prob dont know. Yes, this could get weird..... I'm not going to think this one through much or analyze it. I'm going to play a game with myself and just write whatever pops into my head. I guess to make it look nicer I'll number them. Be forewarned this good be 10 things or 1000. You can't put a limit on what you fancy. Here I go. Purging the good today instead of the bad.

1. Let's get the obvious out of the way. My family. My husband Adam, my sons Aaron and Jude, and my pets, Gia, Lambeau, Dulce, Moxie, and Monkey. Oh and Aaron's two surviving fish Elmo and Elmo.

2. The sound of crackling fire

3. The smell of crackling fire

4. The way my carpet looks after I vaccum

5. When the mailman pulls up to my mailbox. I hardly ever get anything good but just in case......

6. I have an irrational fear of bats. chiroptophobia. Which actually sounds like a fear of chiropractors but I looked it up. 

7. Fear of said bats getting stuck in my hair Alfred Hitchcock's Bird's style and ripping off my flesh

8. I can literally play old school video games like Mario for hours. 

9. I can play computer games for hours. 

10. I have a subscription to Big Fish which allows me to download one game a month

11. The smell of Jude's milk breath and feeling him breath on me when we are sleeping face to face

12. The look on Aaron's face when I come home. His eyes literally light up the room. 

13. When Adam pulls me into a corner just to steal a kiss.

14. We have the most amazingly supportive family.

15. I think my sister is one of the greatest and strongest women I've ever known.

16. My Oma wore spandex into her late sixties and rocked them

17. I just recently stopped wearing my maternity jeans. I know. They are just so comfortable but I realized I was a step away from pajama jeans. 

18. When I'm cooking I feel completely at ease and truly like myself

19. One of my favorite snacks is smoked oysters in a can

20. Sometimes I cry to get my way

21. Every single time Aaron says "mama" my heart swells

22. Every time Jude smiles at me my heart swells

23. Smelling lilacs in may

24. Smelling leaves in the fall

25. Smells are pretty important to me. 

26. I probably hate cleaning litter boxes more than any chore yet I've been doing it every day for over 10yrs.

27. I tell jokes when I feel insecure

28. My first grade crush's name was Todd Vogel. Wonder what happened to that guy?

29. I will ALWAYS watch Full House if it's on

30. I talk shit about reality tv ALL the time but I watch it because I'm a reality tv junky

31. When I think of favorite memories or my childhood I can get the actual feeling I had at that time. It's very surreal.

32. I swear I saw 3 plumber ghosts when I was 4 yrs old. 

33. I miss my Opa every. single. day.

34. I like the way my hair smells after I get it died

35. I will never ever stick my hand into a garbage disposal

36. I actually love drinking White Zinfandel but at a bar will always order a martini or captain and coke

37. I could probably live on ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 

38. I love raspberry flavored carbonated water

39. I have a girl crush on the following: Zooey Deschanel, Katy Perry, and Tina Fey

40. I have a guy crush on the following: David Beckham, Bradley Cooper, and (cougar alert!!) Taylor Lautner

41. I've had the same group of friends since middle school

42. I have a dream I'm still in middle school like once a week

43. Corn beef hash is my favorite breakfast item

44. Sometimes I eat the pistachio shells

45. I've actually said the phrase, "One day when I marry Joey McIntyre" 

46. I will listen to 90's alternative over anything else

47. 46 was a lie. I will also listen to pop and dance hits from the 90's 

48. I used to pull pranks, tell scary stories, and generally torture my best friend Julie just to see her reactions. They where priceless.

49. My first kisses in this order: Jacob Lindau at Julie's bday party (it was a dare even though we where "going out" at the time", Adam Lyman behind Sentry so romantic, and Deric Wallace on the bike trail. This was all in the 6th grade. I know. I was such a tramp

50. I love getting pedicures even though I have a phobia of feet. Podophobia. Now that sounds like a fear of feet and not chiropractors. 

51. I would take a bullet for anyone of my friends or family

52. I would do jail time standing on my head if anyone ever hurt my children.

53. One time I woke up in Cancun with a fork sticking out of my stomach I had fallen on in the night.

54. Sometimes I buy brand names clothes second hand and pass them off as new

55. I love online shopping. Like really really love it. Might go back to the mail thing.

56. I am aware on vain and self absorbed this blog is

57. Sometimes I need to be a little vain and self absorbed

58. Really isn't that what a blog truly is?? "Hey read some mundane shit I wrote! Why? Cuz I posted it on the internet"

59. Starting to feel cynical again...

60. Aaron's laugh is so deep from the belly it makes me laugh

61. Jude's gap in his teeth is part of his charm

62. Adam's dance moves are some of the worst yet best I've ever seen

63. My mother means more to me now than ever before

64. My father has taught me some valuable lessons in life while raising 3 kids. He also always bought me tampons.

65. Adam buys me tampons

66. Someday my boys will too. I think it's an important part of being a good guy

67. Adam's family took me in as one of their own almost immediately. I love them all so much

68. I put oranges in my water

69. I have eaten pizza with both ranch dressing and melted cheese. I know. So gross.

70. Will never stop liking taco dip

71. Knew I would marry Adam approximately 30 seconds after meeting him. Even told Eric Dietz that the next day

72. My niece, Kendall, gave me my motherly instincts. I never knew how much I could love a child until she was born.

73. The Police really do provide the soundtrack to my life

74. I have an addiction to using q tips. Adam sometimes hides them.

75. I have odd crushes on Conan O'Brien, David Bowie, and Jimmy Fallon

76. I wish Punky Brewster was still on the air

77. I'm really embarrassed I walked into a cd store and said the words "Do you have the cd "Barbie Girl".

78. Thanks to Adam and his dad I have a new found love of the blues. Especially the Memphis Blues. 

79. Anytime I see a crossroads I wonder if the devil will be waiting there to trade my soul for some sweet guitar skills

80. I always hold my breath past a graveyard and I can't even remember why

81. Sometimes I swear I'm psychic but have no ability to prove it. Which really doubts my belief that I'm psychic.

82. I still like the Titanic although I tell everyone I don't

83. My first best friend's name is Morgan McClean. She had an awesome house and played the cello

84. I went to a liberal arts school in the first grade. My favorite class was drama

85. I'm actually trying to make it to 100 but this is getting ridicolous

86. I learned a lot when I worked at the shelter. I made some awesome friends and amazing people. I miss them more than they will ever know.

87. I'm really excited to be a college student but also really scared

88. Two of my most prized possessions are the Noble Anthony rose bush from my dear friend Terri, and the hibiscus bushes I took from my Oma's house before they demolished it

89. Gia is absolutely the best dog in the entire universe of dog. She is a living legend.

90. I actually own the Ron Popeil knives. They suck yet I convince myself they don't

91. I would literally decorate my house for Christmas 365 days a year.

92. I'm known to listen to Christmas music year round.

93. I'm very proud of my brother

94. I have strong tendencies to hoard....

96. My previous employer, Kristen, is and will always be my mentor

97. My favorite perfumes are by Britney Spears

98. I love rainy summer days

99. Quoting movies is kind of my trademark

100. I made it to 100. This should be a good one. I enjoy eating processed canned meats as in spam and those weird sausages.

I hope you enjoyed this or you got really bored. I'm no Carrie Bradshaw but I have things to say. And they may be semi interesting. I have realized that you don't always have to write something incredibly witty or some hot topic political issue. Sometimes you can just write. And honestly after this I feel much better than I did before. My life is by no means an open book and anyone can read it but I do allow a few chapters to sneak out now and again. Plus I love getting feedback. It's one of my only social outlets and I'm happy with that. Til we meet again or as my next blog might be called "Don't Stand So Close To Me".


  1. Alex,

    How fun is this! We were just dealt a really crushing blow/disappointment today (job-wise, along with other bad news about a sick family member), so reading this helped to make me laugh and take my mind off it.

    I definitely concur on Zooey Deschanel, Katy Perry, and Joey McIntyre. ;}

    I am glad that you were able to put your worries aside for a little while to come up with this cool list. And what's great is that now you have it to refer back to when you need a little pick-me-up.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Thanks Jennifer. You are so kind and very positive too. I'm glad I could make you laugh and thanks for reading my blog. We also just recently had a death in the family and of course rejection after rejection on the job front....

  3. This was fun, though you started to lose me at 82 or so, just because I am wrapped up in deadline hell right now. I knew we had a lot in common, but not until I read this posting did I realize just how alike we are - corned beef hash, the smell of cracking fire/fall and the hoarding tendencies! As far as first kisses go, three hotties (except for the fact that Wallace turned out to be a total creep). My first kiss was Chris Hill my freshmen year, I was wasted and cringe every time I think of it... - Maureen
    Good read Al, keep blogging, you have a natural writing talent!
