Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This blog is going to a deep place that I have mostly kept to myself. I am writing this high on emotion and know if I don't do it now I won't. But I need to purge this. I can't suffer in silence anymore. Why you ask? Because of a little thing called pride. Pride and saving face. No one wants others to know they are struggling especially when it comes to finding work. It's embarrassing, it's humbling, and most of all its depressing. I have finally decided to share my story. For two reasons, one is I want all those people out there who are saying "there's jobs out there but no one is taking them" to shut their goddamn mouths and two because I'm hoping by putting it all out there I may get a lead or an interview. Here is my story. No holds bars. Truth is out there. Be prepared to cringe, feel uncomfortable, feel sorry for me (please don't), and just feel. This is the story of a truly unemployed skilled individual who cannot find work. Not for the lack of trying. Good god. I have long since lost count of the number of jobs I have interviewed for, the number of resumes I have sent out, the number of phone calls that said " You where one of the top candidates but....." Let me begin.

It all started in October of 2010. I was pregnant with Jude and beginning to have complications. I have an autoimmune disease that puts me at risk for another placental abruption. I was put on strict well semi strict bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. This is for another 6mths. I had to leave my current job which I loved at the Lakeland Animal Shelter to go sit in my bed. I remained in contact with the shelter and it was pretty much left in the air if I would return. As I grew closer to my due date it became apparent I was not going back. I wanted time to care for my newborn and 1yr old without stressing about getting back to work. This turned out to be the least issue as the shelter had discovered that without me there, they could designate my work to volunteers and other employees hence saving my salary. In short they could not really afford to bring me back. As devastating as this was it made sense and I realized it was time to move on. We parted amicably and the shelter is and will always be very dear to my heart. People ask if I got upset when my position was eliminated. I look at them like they are crazy. Why? More funds to care for the animals. Isn't that the point?

So I finished collecting my short term disability (thank god I bough Aflac the year before) and maternity and decided that in June I would begin my job search. I was optimistic. Who wouldn't hire me? I had a great letter of recommendation from the shelter and a great resume that showed all the work I did for the shelter. All the events I organized and all the money I helped raise. I felt it was solid and I had a great chance of finding another fund raising career at another non profit. WRONG!! So after submitting resumes to every non profit in the state the phone calls started coming in! I was thrilled. I made it through all the phone interviews and got called in for one on ones. I made it through most of those and got called in for  2nd and 3rd interviews. Then things went haywire. For whatever reason I couldn't close the deal. To make matters worse many of the organizations continued to contact me with other available positions. I even got offered a job at a non profit to later have it redacted due to highing within! The bane of my existence!! I have lost more jobs to inside hires than anything else. Why even interview anyone when you are just going to hire within anyway. Waste of time.

I do this for literally months. Interview after interview. Some panel style, some presentation style, some one on one, and one even role playing. I felt I knocked  them all out of the park. Every interview I left I had a good feeling about but for whatever reason it was not to be. Now one can only take so much rejection and I was close to quitting many times. But I'm no quitter. I'm motivated and determined. Also competitive so now it's my mission to find a fucking job.

Here's a little background for those who don't know me as well. I work hard. I have a strong drive to succeed and determination to the extreme. I'm competitive in a healthy way and very motivated. When asked what motivates me I have to be honest and say I motivate myself to succeed. I'm my toughest critic. I take pride in doing a good job as I take pride in nearly everything I do. And mostly because it makes me feel successful. Also my family motivates me and I want to contribute and set a good example for my children..

The reason for this blog today is I was yet again turned down for a job I thought I was perfect for. I have come to one conclusion that I can't believe I really didn't consider before and it was right in front of my face. I have no degree. That's right. Not even an associates and all the jobs I want are manager and professional jobs. I honestly believe if I had that piece of paper I would have a job by now. I feel that way because I've recently been told that by a potential employer. "you have everything. you are perfect, BUT you do not have a degree and it's only fair to hire those who went through school". What about those who worked their tail off caring for homeless animals for ten years!!! Does that not count for anything? The fact the shelter's fundraising budget was exceeded every year I was there. Nothing? I am certainly not discrediting higher learning. I have longed to continue my education but it just seemed so unattainable with my job, getting married, then kids but I realized you can make excuses for nearly everything and at some point you just have to suck it up and go for it. Yes, it's going to be hard but I'm more ready for this than anything I've ever been ready for in the past.

Wisconsin Unemployment Chart
So here I am. Still jobless and starting to feel hopeless. I guess I should mention a silver lining. I have enrolled at UW Oshkosh for the fall for my Bachelor's in Organization Administration in the school of Business. It's an ecampus course and I have already applied, sent my transcripts, did my financial aid, and am just waiting to hear back from the school. So yes, I am getting my degree. Better late than never but now a days a degree isn't enough, experience isn't enough. You need both to really stand a snowball's chance in hell.

As you can tell this blog is written with a lot of emotion behind it. I  have fallen into many doubts of depression and despair. What this has done to my mental health has been devastating. It takes every part of my being to get back out there, put on a smile and try to convince someone I'm good enough to hire. Why do I share this? Because it's reality folks and I'm not the only one. How does one not feel worthless when they can't even get a job selling long distance. Especially with the background they have and track record of succeeding. Many times I just want to give up. Mooch of the system and crawl into a corner in the fetal position and accept that as my new life. But fortunately that's not me. I don't have the 'give up' gene. I keep going and it's painful. I'm a glutton for punishment I assume.

As soon as I get yet another rejection what do I do? Jump right back on the computer and literally send my resume out to about 20 more places. And don't think I'm setting my sights too high. And actually if anyone thinks that they are an asshole because I am good enough for those jobs. Just to be clear I have applied to many many entry level jobs I've been deemed "too qualified" for? What the hell does that mean? I'm no math genius but the $9 or $10 dollars being offered is better than $0!

Right now I would settle for a part time office or administrative job. The full time job thing I just don't see panning out without a degree. Plus working part time will allow me to concentrate on my studies more and not take me ten years to get this degree.

So this is from the horse's mouth. The working poor. The family that is barely making it with one salary but still doesn't qualify for any assistance because my husband is working. So he should quit his job then we could get assistance. Fucked up. I don't want charity. I don't want a hand out. I want a job. We have been in danger of having our cars repossessed, our lights turned out, etc. We've made it through but just barely. Our families have been excellent in helping us out with things like groceries. Which is so appreciated but you feel sick to your stomach and your pride falls to the floor. You feel shameful and embarrassed.

I have many people on the look out for jobs. Hell, I even joined a temp agency! Nothing. Won't someone just give me a chance? They won't regret it. I have the most excellence references including from my previous employer. I'm smart and a really fast learner. There isn't much I can't learn how to do. I just need the chance to show it. Yes, this may seem like a pity party but I assure you it's not. It the manifesto of an unemployed mother of two who just wants to contribute to her family and her society. So here's my shameful plight. If you or anyone knows of ANYTHING please please let me know. My resume will be posted below. Feel free to share this blog with others. Not just to help me find a job but also a testament into the unemployed of this country. How dire and hard it is. How the last thing most of us want is money from the government or handouts. We take pride in working and supporting our families. That's what we strive to do.

Thanks for reading and hopefully getting some insight on the unemployed people in this country. We are not a bunch of picky whiners not taking jobs. Jobs are slim. The last 5 yes I said 5 interviews I went on this month I was up against about 50-100 other candidates. Some of the with their PhD for christs sakes. One of my best friends worked at Broadway Paper Stationary store. She has a degree in International Studies with a minor in Asian Studies. She worked alongside an architect and an engineer. How do I compete with that. So now more than ever I need this degree and will work my ass off to get it. Thanks for reading. Also I deeply apologize for the swearing. I never swear but sometimes it just feels right!

Alexandrea Dahlstrom

2111 Hillcrest Dr. Delavan, WI 53115 • 262-210-2530 • 


Obtain an administrative position where my expertise in interpersonal relationships, computers skills, and customer relations can be utilized.

Summary of Qualifications

An experienced Fundraising Director and Volunteer Coordinator with excellent interpersonal skills, time management, written and oral communications and the confidence to work independently. Has an emphasis on communications, sales, and marketing in the community and with social media.

Demonstrated skills and accomplishments in the following areas:
  • Coordinated and executed fundraising events and direct mailing campaigns
  • Obtained corporate sponsorships and major gifts with personal visits and letter writing campaigns.
  • Ability to interact with people from all different demographics
  • Conducted public and community relations by participating in radio, TV and newspaper interviews
  • Visited local community groups, organizations, businesses, and schools to discuss and educate about animal welfare and involve them in future activities
  • Performed administrative duties such as data entry, record keeping, follow through, and personal interactions.
  • Proven ability to set and accomplish goals with a talent for maintaining relationships with staff, volunteers, donors, and the general public while working as a team
  • Expertise in administrative tasks, fundraising development, event coordination, and volunteer management
  • Ability to work independently and driven to succeed and please
  • Able to take direction and accomplish assigned tasks quickly and in a professional manner
  • Driven to set new goals and challenges
  • Strong public speaking skills with a highly professional demeanor
  • Volunteered with many other organizations including several events at the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Al & Briggs Walk for Children’s Hospital, and Animal Shelter Alumni Pet Owners for the Lakeland Animal Welfare Society
  • Volunteered for the “Adopt a Highway” program
  • Currently enrolled to finish my degree in Marketing

Work Experience

Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2004 to 2011
Fundraising Director
  • Planned and executed fundraising events including Annual Golf Outing, Whisker Walk, Annual Charity Dinner/Auction, Wine Tasting, medical expense drives, and numerous direct mailing campaigns
  • Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee
  • Coordinated and managed volunteers for all events
  • Procured prizes and auction items for all events
  • Coordinated and prepared all direct mailing campaigns including: designing materials and assembling volunteers to prepare donor list mailing that exceeded 7,000 supporters
  • Obtained new donors and corporate sponsorships through use of sales and marketing skills
  • Exceeded budget every year
  • Performed administrative duties as needed including working with staff, answering phones, working with various computer software, filing and computer data, and other duties assigned
  • Responsible for 150% growth in fundraising revenue in 6 yrs

 Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2004 to 2011
Volunteer Coordinator
  • Recruited, trained and conducted monthly orientations for new volunteers
  • Conducted tours to educate and recruit members of the community on volunteer opportunities
  • Visited schools, community groups, and other organizations to educate about the needs of the organization
  • Created and implemented new volunteer programs that involved youth groups, college students, student organizations, community service, and Explorer Program with the Boy Scouts of America
  • Recorded and kept records of volunteer’s hours and commitments
  • Provided letters of reference for volunteers looking to join the work force or apply to colleges
  • Maintained volunteer education programs
Lakeland Animal Welfare Society, Elkhorn, WI                                                     2001 to 2004
Animal Caretaker/ Receptionist
  • Cared for over 2,500 animals yearly including cleaning, feeding, and administering medications
  • Trained incoming employees
  • Assisted in the Executive Director in additional tasks not specific to my title
  • Managed office duties while Executive Director could not
  • Performed administrative duties as needed including working with staff, answering phones, working with various computer software, filing and computer data, and other duties assigned


High School Diploma, Waterford Union High School, Waterford, WI                             June 2000
            General Courses including French 5
            Participated in Student Council and Peer Listening
Marketing, Gateway Technical College, Elkhorn, WI                                                                                            August 2002
            Course work including Written Communications
            Accelerated classes in Marketing Business and Basics
Organizational Administration- Bachelor’s Degree, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
            Enrolled for Fall of 2012

Computer Skills

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, and Axcess
Publishing and Media Software: QuarkXpress 8, Roxio Creator, Windows Movie Maker, and PhotoStudio
Fundraising Software and Online Applications: Donorperfect Software for record keeping, Firstgiving Online, and Intuit Website Program


Corinne Dimicelli
Occupation: Founder of The Time is Now Charity and Owner of Lake Geneva Area Realty
Years Acquainted: 9
Relationship: Volunteer Work

Terri Lindelow
Occupation: Owner of Terri Lindelow Designs
Years Acquainted: 3
Relationship: Volunteer Work

Kristen Perry
Occupation: Executive Director of the Lakeland Animal Shelter
Years Acquainted: 10
Relationship: Former Employer


  1. Alex,

    I am very sorry to hear about your problems. The truth is, the job market in our area is very difficult right now. And quite honestly, it is very difficult everywhere. I say this after job searching for a year both locally and nation-wide, even with 2 years of college.

    It is insane that you cannot get hired with such an impressive resume. But nowadays, everything is a problem-- underqualified, overqualified, education, no education, etc.

    I can only hope that things improve for you. I would definitely suggest that you continue building up the pet-sitting business. I think you could be even more successful with a little added exposure due to your extensive background in the field.

    Have you tried the Library Assistant position over at Aram Public Library? I think it closes on Saturday.

    I spend lots of time ranting and raving about the current job market, and in particular, a lot of the discrimination and unfairness that has been going on. Maybe you have already addressed this, but some employers are doing online searches, so many job-seekers are being told to take care as far as what is online about them. I just heard that the statistic is as high as 80% of employers who go online to see what they can find out about potential hires.

    I don't have any answers, but I can certainly pass anything along if I hear of it. We do empathize and wish you the best.

  2. Thanks for the support Jennifer. Our pet sitting is growing and doing quite well but it's just not consistent and not nearly enough to live on. Although, when we have a job it's nice to be able to pay a bill or buy some groceries. I'll check out the library. Again, I appreciate your support and wish you the best of luck too!!!
