Sunday, February 20, 2011

To Pee or Not To Pee? Is This Even a Question?? My email to the Riverside Theater

Ok, so I ranted a bit on this topic already on my Facebook page. I also said I would post a blog with the email I wrote to the Riverside. To review this briefly, I was recently denied access to use the restrooms at the Kathy Griffin show on Saturday, Feb. 19th, 2011. I was discouraged from using the restroom during and told to "hold it until after" then was denied to even do that! I am not trying to be a big baby about it and want to make that clear. I, however, just get sick of being treated any which way by overzealous staff members. I paid for my ticket to be there remember? I did not just come in off the street and demand to use the restroom. I also don't believe that because I am pregnant I deserve "special treatment". Emptying my bladder hardly seems like "special treatment" but a basic right I should have as a patron of the venue!! I have been known to send off emails in the past when I suspect foul play by businesses, organizations, etc. I believe this is my right as an American to use my free speech and I think a lot of people just play along as to avoid confrontation as it's easier. So, I'll get to it. Here is my email to the Riverside Theater's feedback, ticket sales, management, and PR people. I basically emailed to any contact info I could get.

To Whomever It May Concern,

I recently attended Kathy Griffin's comedy performance on Saturday, Feb.19th, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Riverside. Everything seemed to running smoothly as I settled into my seat. It needs to mentioned that I am currently 9mths pregnant and have other health conditions, but was reassured that my experience would be pleasant and any needs I had would me met.

During the show, which started late and ran long, I was discouraged from leaving my seat to use the bathroom because they were taping. Even the producer of the special made a statement to just "hold it" until the end. If you or anyone you know has ever been pregnant (esp 9mths) this is a tall order to fill. However, I did not want to disturb the taping nor the people around me by barging my belly in and out of my seat. So I simply did as I was told and "held it" until the end of the show. Here is where the problem arises. As soon as Kathy said "Good Night" I got out of my seat and made my way into the lobby to use the much needed restroom. As I approached the entrance not one but four "ushers" stood in my way. They told me I could not use the bathroom. It was being cleaned for the next show. I politely pointed out that I was 9mths pregnant and it was quite an emergency. Also, that I was not allowed to use the restroom during the show and was told to wait until after. The women there (this is on the first level entrance to the lower restrooms) said I could leave and use the restroom at Mo's Bar! Which is a block away. At this point more people are filling out and it is harder for me to move around. I politely again pointed out I am pregnant and she actually said, "Well, you better get there fast then!!" I was appalled as were the people around me. To deny me the use of the restroom at a show I PAID for is utterly ridiculous. I imagine this lady never had a 7lb human laying directly on top of her bladder. If I wasn't about to have an accident right there I would have argued or asked to speak to someone else. My increasing discomfort prevented me from doing this at the time. I simply grabbed my friend and rushed out the door. By the time I got to Mo's I was very uncomfortable and experiencing quite a bit of pain. The hostess there GLADLY let me use the restroom upon seeing my condition, even though I was not planning on staying or purchasing anything there. Having to maneuver my way in a very crowded bar, being pregnant, to get to the restrooms at the back was a challenge. I was bumped into, pushed, shoved, and barely made it in time. Also the hustling around and extra walking is NOT good for my condition as I am high risk and have the possibility of pre-term labor.

I have seen shows at the Pabst and Riverside a number of times. It actually happens to be one of my most favorite venues. This event changed that. The rudeness and callousness I received from your staff was shocking. The lack of sympathy for a pregnant woman in extreme discomfort is terrible. Prolonging being able to go to the bathroom when we need to puts us at risk for UTI's as well as other discomforts on top of creating life. I expect immediate action to resolve this issue. If I don't not get a response back that proper action will be taken, I will have no choice but to inform the media and or seek legal advice of your terrible practices of denying pregnant women the right to use your restroom after denying them during the 2hr show. Your theater should be ashamed and appalled at the practices by your staff under the direction of "security" as they said. Also, the blatantly rude response I received was both embarrassing and hurtful.


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