Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"New" Normal

So after my last blog I had a rollercoaster of emotions. I received so many wonderful emails of support from co-workers, volunteers, and supporters of the shelter. Now that the cat's out of the bag (lame pun intended), I feel like I can move forward with my "new" life. When people think of their life and what their normal is I imagine it's your day to day tasks with special events and challenges thrown in. What do you do when your normal has to completely change into something else?

When I look at my future now I see myself with my husband, two sons, my pets, and my house. As far as a career, I just don't know. I have dedicated to take some time off to raise my sons. I am not going to put a time table on this as I have no idea if this is going to work out. Hypothetically it doesn't work out, I need a job. Or I should say a new career. I have so many ideas from expanding the pet sitting, to working for a different non profit, to taking cooking classes, to working at a resort doing event planning, to just working part time. I am both excited and scared about my "new" normal whatever that may be. I'm scared to start over, but excited for new challenges. The past 5mths have been such a challenge and I feel like it's coming to a close so my new challenge can begin.

Honestly, I am not a "stay at home" mom kind of a person. What probably comes very naturally to many women will be a challenge for me. I do not like to clean. Let me rephrase. Not do I not like to clean, I rarely actually do it. Anyone who knows me will kindly remind me of my childhood bedroom that frightened most people who dared peak in there. When I met Adam (a clean freak), he would routinely clean out my car which was usually cluttered with books, magazines, clothes, other various items. I even paid my sister $75 one time to come to my apartment to clean my room. Adam would never pay for a housekeeper or maid. I can't think of a more logical expense. Not don't be confused and think I won't clean. I will and I do. I am, afterall, a member this household and I do have pets and a child. Actually when it comes to the pets I will more than willingly clean up after them. To make sense of this, I don't really mind clutter but I hate filth. I don't care if there are things on the kitchen table or things out. Adam is a minimalist and we often argue of the things he "puts" away because that is often the garbage. When he threw away Jude's ultrasound pictures, he compromised to pay a little more attention to unmarked envelopes. We did find them and they where fine so all was not lost and I didn't have to commit a homicide. But filth and dirt, no way. I won't sit in garbage and I am very sensitive to smells. I do hate dirty dishes in the sink. They can be dirty in the dishwasher then I don't have to see it. Our house is always clean and presentable, mostly from Adam, but I definitely keep it up. I just don't enjoy it. I hate it. I would rather pay someone to do it. Now that you have this little dirty secret (another intended lame pun), you will realize this new role I am taking is a challenge. Not only will I have to clean more, it's expected I will most likely do all of the cleaning. Afterall, I'm home and that will be part of my new job. I'm not jerk and I wouldn't just leave messes for Adam to clean after he came home from a long day at work. I'm also not lazy. I have loads of motivation and can't wait to take my house back and start on many pending projects. I also want to set a good example for the boys. They will need to know the importance of a clean house and room. Also, when they are older they can do the cleaning and take some of that away from me!

One thing I do look forward to as a stay at home mom is the cooking and baking. As you know, I love to cook and am learning to bake. I have no problem making elaborate meals daily, healthy snacks, and baked goods for my family. So as far as traditional mom behavior I have that down in spades. I also like to garden just never had enough time before. My goal is have my own herbs and some of my own vegetables this summer. Makes sense for someone who likes to cook.

I don't really know what a "stay at home" mom does. I do think it varies from family to family and that I shouldn't expect to be any one way. I also am not blind to the fact that just taking care of two kids under 2 is going to be time consuming on top of doing the "house" stuff. I am going to continue this blog after Jude is born and will post my challenges and  things that I do and don't fail at. God help me with the cleaning. You may see me taking out an ad for a housekeeper.

As this pregnancy grows closer to an end I am getting ready for the next phase of life. Especially now because it is all unknown. But they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (yes a bit dramatic!) but there's truth to that. I hope to become a wiser, stronger, and better mom and wife. My new job titles.

Alex's "Famous" Fried Rice Recipe

2 cups of brown rice prepared
2 eggs
1/2 cup of scallions
1/4 cup of shredded carrots
1 cup of chosen protein or tofu (I often use chicken)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tsp of ginger
1 tsp of cayenne pepper
1/2 tablespoon of rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil
2 tablespoons of butter
1 clove of chopped garlic

-Melt butter in a wok or large skillet or frying pan. More butter if the pan is not a non stick.
-Add protein and cook on medium until browned
-Add garlice, scallions, and carrots
-Cook on medium heat about 3 minutes stirring often
-Add prepared rice
-Cook about 2 minutes stirring often
-Add both eggs
-Stir mixture until eggs are yellow and cooked
-Add soy sauce, ginger, pepper, rice wine vinegar, and sesame seed oil
-Mix everything well
-Cook on low about 10 minutes stirring often
Serve and enjoy!

*This is just my personal recipe. What is nice about fried rice is you can really put anything into it that you like and experiment with different spices and sauces. Also, you can make variations and it always turns out just a little different.

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