Monday, January 31, 2011

An Open Letter to All My Friends, Volunteers, Co-Workers, and Supporters at LAWS

Hello All,

I have several reasons for sending out this email. Initially it was to inform everyone that my email ( is no longer active. I also wanted to give an update, as many of you know I have not been at the shelter since October due to complications with my pregnancy.

First, I would like to say that so far so good with baby #2. I did have some complications and was pulled from working until I gave birth. It is vital that I keep stress low and physical activity to a minimum. I've been under the care of my OB and my Periontologist and have had weekly appointments to monitor my pregnancy. With restrictions in place and new medications I've already made it longer than when I was pregnant with my first son, Aaron. There is no reason to think I won't make it to the 39wks that we are aiming for for Jude (I am having another boy and his name is Jude Eric Dahlstrom). For those of you that knew this, I appreciate all the support, prayers, and thoughts through this difficult pregnancy.

I also wanted to let everyone know that with a very heavy heart, I will not be returning to the Lakeland Animal Shelter after the birth of my baby. I have not come to this decision easily. I believe I knew in my head but it was convincing my heart that was so difficult. As I write this I have tears in my eyes and pain in my heart. However, this decision is what I believe is best for my family. I will be taking some time off of working to raise my boys and be a stay at home mom.  I felt that I had to share with co-workers, volunteers, supporters, and friends this decision. As everyone has been like a family to me. I truly have enjoyed everyday of the past 10yrs at the shelter. I have learned so much about humanity, kindness, and even cruelness. The people I have met through the shelter are above and beyond the most incredible people I have ever known. Everything you have done has meant so much to the homeless animals and the community. There really are no words to describe the feeling I get when I think of all the wonderful people who are involved with this cause. When I started at the shelter I was a 20yr old kid who was a little lost in life. I am leaving as a 30yr old woman who has become who she is because of the time I have spent at the shelter and with the people who have been involved. I have learned something from every single person I had the pleasure of working with. I never knew that people could be so caring and loving just because. To see the dedication and commitment from everyone is so humbling. I just want everyone to know how much you mean to me. I have experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows. I believe I have made some great friendships and hope to keep in touch with everyone. I will still be involved with the shelter but just in a different way. I feel this is the hardest decision of my adult life so far. Helping homeless animals was not just a job, but a passion, and a way of life. My co-workers amazed me every day for their dedication to their jobs. While it was not always easy it was always worth it. I have never known a group of people with such passion and dedication, often working in less than ideal conditions. But everyone did it because they cared for those who could not care for themselves.  It was part of every aspect of my life. I also have a wonderful dog, 4 wonderful cats, as well as my family has wonderful pets all from the shelter.

Thank you so much for all your love and support. You mean more than I can ever really say. I would love to keep in touch and will keep everyone posted when Jude is born. I have been keeping a blog and can be read at

This is not the end of my relationship with the shelter but merely a time where I explore other options for myself and my family. However, the shelter and everyone involved will always be in my heart.

Much Love and Gratitude,

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