Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello? Tolerance? Are You Still Alive? and the best Pulled Pork

Anyone who reads my blog might have think I gave this up. Don't despair (as if you where). I have not. I just haven't had anything interesting to write about. I just don't want to put up any random crap that pops in my head. I wouldn't subject the nice people who read this to the many ramblings my husband has to endure everyday. I've also been busy being a mommy and keeping my sanity in place. Most days are fantastic and wonderful and other days I'm pretty sure I want to run out the door full speed until I fall over.

The past month has been full of ups and downs. I am constantly learning the ways of a toddler and the things that work and don't work while being sleep deprived and the local dairy cow. When Aaron decides to beat the crap out of me, yelling at him does nothing. If anything it falls on deaf ears. I tend to be kind of a loud person in general so I don't think he really distinguishes the difference. Putting him in a time out is starting to work much better. Threatening him to put him in his crib works too. Also, I've taken the approach of trying to just talk to him sternly and closely to let him know what is acceptable. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm still leary of public places and the looks from other people with their judging furrowed brows. Especially the other moms who have angelic children looking over at us like we just fell off the tantrum train. But, we are working on it and it's all about boundaries and limits. At least that's what I tell myself. On the brighter side, Aaron is becoming so much more aware of his emotions and ours. He is a super snuggle bug and will give out kisses and hugs willingly. His laugh is one of the best sounds that have ever entered my ears and I could listen to it all day. He is being a fantastic brother to Jude and tries to help wherever he can. Even if that means Jude gets a Binky in the eyes or a bottle in his ear. Aaron also wants to share which is a great sign. Granted putting his trucks directly on top of Jude is less than ideal but we have the right idea!

But this blog isn't about my children. The reason I was inspired to write is about an article I read during the wee hours of nursing Jude. It was on Fox 6 news facebook page. The article itself was totally fine, it was the comments from other people that sent me into a rage. Basically the article stated that West Bend Highschool just denied the Gay Straight Alliance Club from being recognized stating they didn't have the proper paperwork or some excuse. Upon researching this issue a little more, the root of the problem seems to be intolerance of gay teens. Let's not candy coat this. This topic makes many parents very uncomfortable. As if homosexuality is contagious or something. The club basically is for both straight and gay teens. It's a safety net for people to feel secure and accepted. In a time where more and more gay teens and young adults are resorting to suicide to escape the constant bullying this is a great idea. However, like many "controversial" issues, nay sayers are making about all kinds of excuses applauding this decision. Both political and religious propaganda is used as well as stereotypes and just plain wrong information. One of the concerns is that "sexuality" is being crammed down their children's throats. Nope that really isn't true. They are about being accepted and aren't exactly handing out sign up sheets.  Another concern was that this would some how encourage their teens to "choose" to be gay. Really? Choose? I don't know many people that would choose to feel unaccepted, different, and alone as a child/teen. The gay people in my life have told me they knew something was different at a very young age. Science is proving more and more that sexuality is determined in the womb. Who would choose to kill themselves because of their lifestyle? Come on people!! And here is the really touchy part. You know it was coming. Religion is used over and over again. And I'm going to say it once, stop thumping your bibles as an excuse to promote bigotry and hatred and just use your own judgement on how to be a decent human being. I think that's what people have lost sight of recently. It's like no one can just think, is this the right way to treat someone? These are the same people who are against abortion, yet for the death penalty. And what about drunkeness and gambling?? These are sins, yet many churches have no problem have "festivals" and "fairs" that are known more for their beer tents than promoting good will. So how come homosexuality is taken so literally but now other social issues??

Ephesians 5:18
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit
Envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Have we progressed at all as a society or should we just move back to the forest and let the strongest survive?

Also, another topic that's been on my mind (speaking of tolerance) is the death of Bin Laden. Now like most people I had a range of emotions upon hearing this news. I immediately went back to the time and place when 911 happened. I was living with my mother and it was one of my days off. I was just starting to wake up when my mother came rushing into my room and always having a flare for the dramatic said, "ALEX, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" and then she leaves. I jumped out of my bed as if it was on fire and looked out my window. Remember I'm just waking up, have no idea what the hell she is talking about. For all I know, we personally, where under siege out here in the Town of LaGrange. After realizing I would live past breakfast, I went out to see what was going on. That's when I saw the image. On a 13incher in the kitchen I could clearly see a building with smoke billowing out the side. I was stunned. As I was absorbing this scene, out of nowhere another plane appeared and crashed into the second tower. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. And the rest we know as the days that followed 911. The day that changed our country forever. So, I am recalling how I felt during this time and of course am relieved that this horrible man has been stopped. Do I feel safer? Not really. Anything could happen at any time. We are never really safe. I don't care what those terror levels or colors say. To me terror level orange means nothing. I'm not even sure that's a real level. So after the initial news of Dead Bin Laden settles in, I am a bit shocked to see how elated people are reacting. Yes, I feel that he had to be stopped whether it be by capture or by death but I find it odd to celebrate the death of anyone. That's just me. Yes, people need to be held accountable for their crimes and in some cases death is the only option. Would I have like that he was captured and brought to justice that way, sure but that doesn't always happen. Many police officers have to kill the suspect before they can bring them in to keep their own lives safe. I get that. I just find it a little strange to actually celebrate it. For that matter, I also find it way strange for the demand of the release of Dead Bin Laden's death photos. Seriously people?? Are we that morbid we have to see it to believe it?? Not to mention the group demanding these photos are the same group that follow many ways of life that have never been seen, but we won't get into that now. All the conspiracy theories of he isn't really dead, Obama is doing this for ratings, he's been dead for years, blah blah blah. I would say the majority of these people do not support our president and it's just another way to bitch and moan. Especially since the whole birth certificate thing blow up in their face. He clearly had more important issues on his mind than proving he was born in the US. And Donald Trump you are an idiot and a moron. I'm not sitting here backing the president 100%. There are many areas I believe he has failed to follow through but I feel there are also areas he is continuing to succeed. In conclusion I say you can take the Dead Bin Laden theories and file them away with the 911 conspiracies, the assassination of JFK, Roswell, and the Loch Ness Monster. Or give Jesse Ventura a call and he has a new topic for his show. I think the focus now should be that we realize that we are not in the clear by any means and we continue to be vigilant about any future threats to our safety. I believe that retaliation is a real possibility and we need to be mindful of that. Terrorists are never going to be obsolete. It's just not reality . All we can do is try to keep our country safe and try to keep our nose out of every conflict that arises for crying out loud. But it should not control our life and we need to go about each day like we always do. Sure you could be killed by a terrorist but you could also have a major heart attack or get in a car accident. The latter are more likely. And how on Earth can we tell other countries how to behave when our own country is so divided. We are giant hypocrits. We can't even get along with each other but they should be just like us!

So that's my piece for the day. Remember this is a blog with my opinions and should be treated as such. Although I feel my opinions are right (or else they wouldn't be my opinions would they) I am also very open to other people's thoughts. That is what tolerance means.

Since I haven't posted  a recipe in awhile I'm going to share a new one I tried out.

Pulled Pork

Ingredients ~
3 to 4 lb Boston butt pork roast ( I used to 2 smaller 1.5lb butt roast as it is more tender)
1 tablespoons olive oil
1/3 cup water
2 tablespoons of vinegar

For the rub ~
3 tablespoons paprika
1-1/2 tablespoons salt
1-1/2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1/2 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon cayenne

For the barbecue sauce ~
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup seasoned rice vinegar
1 tablespoon cider vinegar (omit if you like sweeter bbq sauce as opposed to tangy)
1/4 cup apple juice or cider
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons whole grain mustard
1 clove garlic, pressed
1/4 cup onion, finely chopped

Preparation ~
Preheat the oven to 225°F.

Prepare the pork ~
Mix all of the ingredients for the rub together in a small bowl. Trim any large pieces of exterior fat from the pork if desired. Pat the rub mixture on all sides of the pork and place uncovered, in a dutch oven. Roast uncovered for 1 hour.
Remove from the oven, brush with the olive oil, add the water, cover and return to the oven for about 5 more hours, until the pork is tender and pulls apart easily with a fork. Roasting time is about 90 to 100 minutes per pound.
Transfer the pork to a large platter and allow to cool enough to handle. With two dinner forks, shred the meat into bite-sized pieces, removing any large chunks of fat in the process.

Prepare the barbecue sauce ~
Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat to a simmer over medium heat. Cook for about 15 to 20 minutes until thickened.
Add the barbecue sauce to the shredded pork.

Assemble the sandwiches ~
Fill each bun with a portion of shredded pork and top with a tablespoon or two of your favorite coleslaw mixture.
Serve with a dill pickle and a side of chips.
Makes 8 servings (with lots of leftovers)

Recipe Notes ~
You can freeze the leftover pork in airtight containers. It will keep for up to 6 weeks in the coldest part of the freezer.